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Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!
Pikastroff Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 28
Threads: 3
Joined: Feb 2013
Reputation: 0
Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!

And here I am, with yet another problem...

When I try to open either the game or the mod launcher (haven't tested on other executables such as the level editor), it gives me:

FATAL ERROR: Fmod could not be inialiazed!!!

My hpl log gives

ERROR: Unable to open config file 'C:/Users/user/Documents/HPL3/ModelEditor.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!

... Which is quite weird... I've had this problem only since today, yet I already have finishd the game once, doing a second playthrough, and I think it might come from my mod I created yestertday, I don't know...

Thanks in advance for answering! Big Grin

EDIT: Just noticed that I forgot to give a name to the thread... -_-

EDIT 3: For some reason, it works now... I really can't explain it!

EDIT2: I'm putting the HPL log specific for the model editor which is located where the FMOD error pointed at.

PHP Code: (Select All)
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Creating Engine Modules
Creating job manager with 3 threads and 1024 jobs
 Creating graphics module
 Creating system module
 Creating resource module
 Creating input module
 Creating sound module
 Creating physics module
 Creating ai module
 Creating gui module
 Creating generate module
 Creating haptic module
 Creating scene module
 Creating script module
 Creating lipsync module

Failed parsing of XML document file not found
Couldn't load XML file ''!
Initializing Resources Module
 Creating loader handlers 
 Creating resource managers
 Adding loaders to handlers 

Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 1024x576 bpp:32 rr: 0 fs:3 ms:0 driver: 0 cap:'
HPL Model Editor' pos:(-1x-1)
 Available drivers:
  (0) - '
  (1) - '
 Creating window: (-1,-1) 1024 x 576 - 32 bpp flags: 162
 Setting display mode: 1920 x 1017 - 32 bpp 0 hz
 Init Glew...OK
 Setting up OpenGL
  Vendor: Intel
  Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400
  Version: 4.3.0 - Build
  Max texture image units: 32
  Max texture coord units: 8
  Max texture buffer size: 134217728
  Max texture array slices: 2048
  Max user clip planes: 8
  Two sided stencil: 1
  Vertex Buffer Object: 1
  Anisotropic filtering: 1
  Max Anisotropic degree: 16
  Multisampling: 1
  Texture compression: 1
  Texture compression S3TC: 1
  Texture compression 3DC: 0
  Texture sRGB: 1
  Geometry Instancing: 1
  Auto generate MipMaps: 1
  Render to texture: 1
  Max draw buffers: 8
  Max color render targets: 8
  Packed depth-stencil: 1
  Texture float: 1
  GLSL Version: 4.30 - Build
  ShaderModel 2: 1
  ShaderModel 3: 1
  ShaderModel 4: 1
  Max vertex uniforms: 4096
  Max fragment uniforms: 4096
  OGL ATIFragmentShader: 0
  Tesselation: 1
  MultiBindTex: 1
 Initializing DevIL
  Vendor String: Abysmal Software
  Version String: Developer'
s Image Library (DevIL1.7.8
  Version Number
 Adding engine materials
 Adding engine post effects

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing FMOD.

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates

User Initialization
DirectoryHandler init:
Working DirC:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/
Home DirC:/Users/user/Documents/HPL3/
Temp DirC:/Users/user/Documents/HPL3/Temp/
Thumbnail DirC:/Users/user/Documents/HPL3/Thumbnails/
Lookup Dirs:
Cat -1:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/editor
    Cat 5
Object type tree

    |    |- 
Box(0 0)
    |    |- 
Point(0 1)
    |    |- 
Spot(0 2)
Particle System(3)
    |    |- 
Box(5 0)
    |    |- 
Capsule(5 1)
    |    |- 
Cylinder(5 2)
    |    |- 
Sphere(5 3)
    |    |- 
Ball(6 0)
    |    |- 
Hinge(6 1)
    |    |- 
Slider(6 2)
    |    |- 
Screw(6 3)

Resetting editor...

Game Running

Loading EntityC:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/servant_brute.ent

Resetting editor...
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Users/user/Documents/HPL3/Sessions/9B96F5E7274F2420DDD0991EF3F2A113E164CD93.ent_sessionfile not found
File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/servant_brute.msh' does not have right MSH version!
ERRORMSH file for C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/servant_brute.dae seems to be corrupt or brokenloading .dae instead!
Cache out of dateReloading collada file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/servant_brute.dae'
Optimized Mesh C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/servant_brute.dae and removed 470 kb vertex data
File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/idle.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of dateReloading collada file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/idle.dae_anim'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle1'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle2'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle4'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle8'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle9'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle10'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/run.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of date! Reloading collada file '
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/run.dae_anim'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
WARNINGFile 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/walk.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of dateReloading collada file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/walk.dae_anim'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle1'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle2'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle3'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle4'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle8'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle9'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle10'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle11'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_RightElbow_aimConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/attack_short1.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of date! Reloading collada file '
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/attack_short1.dae_anim'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNINGFile 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/attack_short2.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of dateReloading collada file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/attack_short2.dae_anim'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle1'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle2'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle3'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle4'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle8'
ERROR: Couldn'
t find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle9'
ERRORCouldn't find bone 'servant_grunt_A_ikHandle10'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNINGFile 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/attack_run.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of dateReloading collada file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/attack_run.dae_anim'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/break_door.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of date! Reloading collada file '
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/break_door.dae_anim'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
WARNINGFile 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/flinch.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of dateReloading collada file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/flinch.dae_anim'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/idle_extra1.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of date! Reloading collada file '
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/idle_extra1.dae_anim'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_RightElbow_aimConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/idle_extra2.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of date! Reloading collada file '
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/idle_extra2.dae_anim'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_RightElbow_aimConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/notice1.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of date! Reloading collada file '
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/notice1.dae_anim'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
WARNINGFile 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/notice2.anm' does not have right ANM version!
Cache out of dateReloading collada file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/amnesia/servant_brute/animations/notice2.dae_anim'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'Servant_Brute1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Character_Position'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Root'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Spine'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Neck'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Collar_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Pelvis'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Knee_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint15'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint16'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint17'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve2'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Right_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Left'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Elbow_Left'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Hand_Group_Left_parentConstraint1'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Head_Group_parentConstraint1'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Ctrl_Foot_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Foot_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Heel_Lift_Right'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_Toe_Lift_Right'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint18'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint19'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_joint20'
WARNING: Couldn'
t find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve4'
WARNINGCouldn't find node for bone 'servant_grunt_A_curve3'
ERROR: Entity class not supported!!

-- Done loading scene

Creating preview window took 67 ms
ERROR: Could not find fmod event project brute
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data '
ERROR: Failed to play sound brute/metal_walk during animation event for MeshEntity Ent_Preview
ERROR: Could not find fmod event project brute
ERROR: Cannot find sound event data '
ERROR: Failed to play sound brute/attack_claw during animation event for MeshEntity Ent_Preview
Creating preview window took 10 ms

 Medium framerate: 26.851744

User Exit

Exiting Script Module

Exiting Gui Module
 Deleting all im guis
 Deleting all sets
 Deleting all skins
 Deleting all gfx elements
 Deleting all materials

Exiting Generate Module

Exiting Scene Module

Exiting Input Module

Exiting Sound Module

Exiting Graphics Module

Potential resource leaks
- FrameBuffer: Thumbnail
- FrameBuffer: ThumbnailDestination
- FrameBuffer: MainRenderTarget
- FrameBuffer: OverlayRenderTarget
- Texture: Thumbnail
- Texture: ThumbnailDest
- Texture: RenderTexture


Exiting Resources Module
 Done with fonts
 Done with scripts
 Done with particles
 Done with sounds
 Done with meshes
 Done with materials
 Done with Gpu programs
 Done with images
 Stopped texture stream thread
 Destroyed all textures
 Done with sound entities
 Done with animations
 Done with ent files
 All resources deleted

Exiting Physics Module

Exiting System Module

Exiting Lipsync Module

 Deleting game setup provided by user
- Deleting lowlevel stuff.
HPL Exit was successful!

|--Memory Manager Report-------------------------------|
| No memory leaks detected. Memory left: 0
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2015, 03:41 PM by Pikastroff.)
10-10-2015, 12:47 PM
nebej Offline
Frictional Games

Posts: 179
Threads: 8
Joined: Dec 2012
Reputation: 3
Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!

This can happen when FMOD is busy in some other application. Check the task manager if Soma is running in the background and turn it off.
The other solution would be to restart your computer
10-12-2015, 08:09 AM
Pikastroff Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 28
Threads: 3
Joined: Feb 2013
Reputation: 0
Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!

I did reboot my computer, and now no probs! Wink

But this could be useful for later! Thanks! Big Grin
10-12-2015, 02:02 PM
nebej Offline
Frictional Games

Posts: 179
Threads: 8
Joined: Dec 2012
Reputation: 3
Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!

Great that it worked!
10-12-2015, 02:27 PM

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