Thx.. Lang tool work great but only for another lang
English lang= Empty lang
But better then nothing
I can use original lang and delete original levels , Terminals and everything and create my own..
but another question
Can you tell me name of entiti ( note /diary page)
with some text wich you can recognize because this text is ehmm .. bad quality..
something like universal note entity wich can be used for Note_Name_text
just simple readable letter or note.. or maybe it will be better use from amnesia readable notepage
When you will make some tutorials for soma ? I mean no level editor basic .
But some specialities like terminals, basic airlock, elevator, and one thing wich I looking forward
Something like set message or hmm. subtittles without sound
I mean this will be usefull for mods without voiceactor.. You will see text or subtittles without voiceplay..
I cant speek english /Bad english/bad voice
/ but for now I can have just simple text and later i can add voiceactor
I thing this will be one script like Entity_SetActive("asEntityName", true): or something like that