(02-21-2010, 05:43 PM)graykin Wrote: Well, Gordon Freeman uses a flashlight in the original Half-Life...that must mean Frictional copied from that as well.
(02-21-2010, 07:50 PM)Guyra Wrote: Haha! That's a good reply, in my opinion. 
I don't think it's a good response. Since when is a flashlight the same thing as a lantern?
Both images are set in underground castle tunnels with a similar dark mood and color palette, plus there are stinking hunks of meat hanging down from the roof in both pictures while the main character lights them up with a lantern held in a white man's hand with a sleeve showing.
I'd say they are pretty similar.
Half Life is a science fiction first-person shooter set in a sterile science facility with no horror, no lanterns and no slobs of meat hanging from the roof other than the tounge-enemies.
Worst regards, Kejdane.
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