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The "What are you listening now?" thread
Knickebein Offline

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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

11-09-2016, 06:30 PM
Slanderous Offline
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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

Tfw Trump won

11-09-2016, 06:52 PM
i3670 Offline
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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

Oh, don't be so dramatic. Listen to some Morrison and Baker.

"What you think is irrelevant" - A character of our time

A Christmas Hunt
11-09-2016, 07:23 PM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread


Nanosuit from Crysis and other game references make an appearance in the video.

(This post was last modified: 11-18-2016, 08:48 PM by Yuhaney.)
11-17-2016, 08:00 AM
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SamChurch Offline

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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

I was (and kind of sort of am still) in a chat group on an app called Line. This group had damn near 30 people at one point. Sometimes despite having 30-some people, we just wouldn't know what to say to each other. We would go a few days without saying anything, not because we didn't like each other or were mad at each other, the group was just centered around a specific game and sometimes chatter would just slow to a halt momentarily. But the one thing that always quite literally broke the silence was this friendly fellow who would just post a series of "listen to [song] by [artist]". He'd make somewhere between 8 and 12 posts and finally someone would stir a conversation. This trend was great, everyone loved it, though some would protest it if he started in the middle of a conversation. Then one day, he delivered very devastating news to the group. He had cancer...he had 2 weeks without treatment but he'd lost 4 friends and family members to cancer despite treatment so he refused. He said he loved us and he would try to keep us updated on his status. That was the last thing he said and we heartbroken many are almost sure he's long since passed on by now. So, when I saw this thread, I felt instant obligation to carry on his trend (though not nearly to the same degree). And thus, this one goes out to him. Rest In Peace Motorhead (no relation, just how we all knew him...he loved music)

(This post was last modified: 01-14-2017, 10:14 AM by SamChurch.)
01-14-2017, 10:11 AM
Traggey Offline
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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

01-14-2017, 04:29 PM
FlawlessHappiness Offline
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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

This thing has been circling in my brain for days now. It's so good, and the animation is very nice as well.

Trying is the first step to success.
01-14-2017, 04:55 PM
Knickebein Offline

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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

01-14-2017, 06:48 PM
Macgyverthehero Offline
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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

I found this really awesome remix to one of my favorite Sonic games:

[Image: Keo88b.gif]
01-14-2017, 08:09 PM
Romulator Offline
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RE: The "What are you listening now?" thread

These on loop P:

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 06:14 PM by Romulator.)
01-16-2017, 06:13 PM

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