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Your shock moments
Kman Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

(08-12-2011, 08:40 AM)Brute Wrote: My biggest and heaviest shock moment in this game was soooo simple.

This fucking scene in the kennel, where the body falls down from the ceiling. I HAD SUCH A MUSCLE SPASM! Angry

glad I'm not the only one that freaked out there...

Also after I left the one area with the security cams (I forgot what it was called) and ALL the infected started chasing me in that area. I literally was just running around the whole maze trying to find the right door, too scared to stop and look at the map for at least 3 minutes.

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08-16-2011, 11:01 AM
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Brute Offline

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RE: Your shock moments

Yeah! You should have seen my reaction! Big Grin At this point in the game I hated Frictionalgames soooo much! Big Grin

(This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 05:41 PM by Brute.)
08-16-2011, 05:41 PM
Demon Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

Jeeze, I remember in Black plague in the computer room or something how the lights go out and the guy busts down the door and starts running at you.
08-18-2011, 09:22 AM
SkyTheGreat Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

Other than the Kennel (Which had no fucking monsters other than Frisk, talk about atmosphere..). my scariest point was either at the end of Overture, where I saw the figure. I was kind of desperate for human interaction, so when I saw the figure I was like "OH HELL YA." and ran towards it. Then the lights went out and I tried to run in the other direction, but I was knocked out. Screams were had.

Then with Dr. Eminess, I was not in the mood to listen to him cut off his arm, so before the monster escaped, I went down the hallway. Then I heard the glass breaking and the monster. I looked around the corner like an idiot and was greeted with the Infected.
09-25-2011, 06:23 PM
spencerz8 Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

In Penumbra Black Plague I never really got scared. The only timed i jumped was in the kennel when the body fell down :3

09-28-2011, 11:12 PM
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BrooksyFC Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

I've just another part of Penumbra. But this time I was terrified of this bit...do not like getting chased...

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09-29-2011, 11:49 PM
Carrna Offline

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RE: Your shock moments

There's so much of these I'll write only the most memorable ones. =P

I was trying to get to the section C and after failing to sneak past a dog several times I decided to kill it by using a hot steam. I managed to lure it into a cage and pull the lever and was like "yeaah" when the steam hit the dog.

However, the dog didn't die and I was like "Oh shi---!" when it noticed me and chased after me. I ran a long way back to the tool storage and started barricading the door with stuff including a big, heavy box. Then suddenly the dog just jumped through my barricade and the door slammed back shut.

Most of players would've probably taken a pickaxe and killed the dog, but not me. Nooohooo. I just kept running around the little room with the dog (insert Yakety Sax here) until I eventually escloaded.

Black Plague: Every single tuurngait encounter. Probably the worst scare was caused by Dr. Eminiss. I was fooled by his friendly voice and even when I heard those suspicious voices behind his door I was standing in front of the door and waiting to get in and help him. Then something flew through the glass next to me. I was staring at it and thinking "Dude what the -" and then CRASH: he comes through the door and bumps straight into me. -.-

I ran like crazy to the computer room, started cornercamping and thought he won't notice me if I think hard enough stuff like puppies, flower fields and rainbows. Well, everyone already knows how that ended? Yeah... escload.

12-04-2011, 10:42 PM
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Mehis Offline

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RE: Your shock moments


When the guy gets dragged to the hole. For my bad luck, I watched some playthroughs of Overture before playing, because I was so eager to play it. I even knew about that moment and I still couldn't go on. I ragequitted, after couple days I tried again...

The story. Come on, the story was creepy as hell. I especially liked the note where couple men were trapped in one of the shafts and the start how the man's empty look was described. Creepy. I was fearing for same kind of monsters from Black Plague.

I played Overture twice. Never tried to speedrun it, I did speedrun Black Plague couple of times. But, on the second try, I was on the part where you put the stick on the mechanism and open the door. For my bad luck, I never got that door scare on the first try. I went really close to the door and BAM BAM! JESUS CHRIST! Still haunts me...

Black Plague

Kennel all the way. The corpse, the notes. Mother of god... I played Black Plague couple of times, tried to find all the collectables on the kennel. For my bad luck AGAIN, I never got the dog scare, so when I got it. I just... couldn't go on. It was too much. Somehow I managed to continue...

The door pounding, 'Help me', the breathing at the messhall's little room. Little things like that.

I wonder why nobody added this or I haven't read that much... The room where the meltedface corpse was. The pressure to just pull the switch fast and GO! The music made it 50% creepier. I couldn't... It was so much. I knew it would just pop up and come to alive. But, it didn't... I was disappointed. Big Grin
After Overture, spiders seemed little and didn't really scare me at all.


All the infected sounds. Very little things. The story partly... I wasn't disappointed. I really liked that style of gameplay. Puzzles. Reminds me of Portal a little bit.

The most scariest was probably the sewer part. I don't know what that was, but it felt like there was some kind of big fish... I was so scared to swim in the water.

Another one was where the burn thingy was, where you can only get by the ladder. I remember hearing infected sounds there. I was so scared to go back up.
12-05-2011, 09:36 PM
eiahmon Offline

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RE: Your shock moments

(08-16-2011, 11:01 AM)kman Wrote:
(08-12-2011, 08:40 AM)Brute Wrote: My biggest and heaviest shock moment in this game was soooo simple.

This fucking scene in the kennel, where the body falls down from the ceiling. I HAD SUCH A MUSCLE SPASM! Angry

glad I'm not the only one that freaked out there...

I've played through the game three times, and that part STILL startles the shit out of me every time.

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12-09-2011, 10:42 AM
BlueFury Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

(06-06-2010, 07:57 PM)Lee Wrote: but basically all monster encounters made my hand stiffen on my mouse and my balls shrink.
same :|

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts. – Robert Fulghum
12-09-2011, 08:46 PM

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