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Your shock moments
grix Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

Pretty much every time some monster of your imagination appeared right in front of you! And
Spoiler below!
in the very end of penumbra when you could see the silhouette of a man in the end of the long corridor

Also, the funniest thing happened on a LAN a few weeks ago. My friend, who apparently is easily scared was using my computer and decided to try penumbra black plague. It was in the middle of the night and he was overtired. So he started playing and he got really nervous after some minutes, he almost didn't manage to go around corners because he was afraid there would be monsters there. So eventually he came to the first "zombie". And what did he do? He panicked and ran out of the room and straight into the same corridor as the zombie. I said "turn around" and right behind him stood the zombie. He almost fell off his chair and went nuts on the ESC button and left the game immediately. It was so damn brilliant!
08-30-2010, 10:46 AM
mayman12331 Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

My shock moments were in overture the first dog, the worm and the end of oberture where the damned person stands in the floor and the lights go out.In Black Pague were my shock moments the first inficated,the worm again,the Dr. who by cutting his hand off become a zombie, the dog cage,the "zombie" who is the women who helps you,the part who clarence won't let you see the door, and when clarence went to the dead buddy off an inficated and tryed to kill you,and every inficated too.

PS:There's a way to kill the dogs too easy: stand on somethign what is so high that you can jump on itvery close, make your light on when a dog is coming.When the thing on that you stand is high enough he can't jump on it and ever when his face is near hit him with the hammer or the pick... I think it's too easy because this ground...But Black Paque is hard.PENUMBRA FUCKS THE WOLRD!!!Big Grin
09-06-2010, 10:52 PM
mastervolo Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

I just beat Black Plague a few minutes ago. For me the best scares were the first dog, fleeing the worm, and fighting the "zombie" doctor lady. In fact I would say that the last one freaked me out the most, cus I was so looking forward to having a friend, and when i found out she was dead i felt my mood plummet. That game gets to you...
09-16-2010, 05:11 AM
PrinceCola Offline

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RE: Your shock moments

When the first zombie appears in BP. oMG 0.0
09-16-2010, 01:29 PM
Death's Misntrel Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

Well the parts that scared me the most were the first banging on the door, the first dog (but after that whenever there was a dog I was like "MOFUKA I GOT MYSELF A BADASS FUCKEN AXE I BEAT YOU UP BITCH")

First dog story:

Hanging out at friends house, in his dark garage playing penumbra. He won't play, so I do. Get into second part of mine and text pops up saying I should block the door. I'm like "with what? a box? meh, probably won't matter". Look at friend to listen to him saying,"You should probably block the door bro..." Look back at screen and dog is already half way through the door. We both yell at the top of our lungs and jump out of our seats. I struggle to pull myself together and take the controls, still yelling. I whip out my hammer and start whailing on the dog, still yelling. My friend yells,"DIE FIDO! DIE YOU DEMON DOG BASTARD!". Dog falls over. Me and him are now calming down. DOG GETS BACK UP. We yell more, adding much profanity. Dog falls again. OKAY. THERE WE GO. DOG GETS BACK UP. WHAT THE FUCK HOLY SHIT WHY ARENT YOU DEAD. Dog falls a third time. ARE YOU FUCKEN DEAD YET YOU LITTLE BASTARD?! I continue to strike its corpse. We stare at dog for five minutes. Cautiously back away and check up to make sure dog is still dead every time I pass it.

Fuck you Fido.

Some more scary parts were most all the times the infected were around, especially amabel. Everything in the Kennel, too.Funny thing is whenever I escaped from an infected or something I was like "thats right bitch you fucken suck... ya".

Also, at the end of overture, in that hallway with the probable infected at the end, here is how it went down for me:

Oh sweet! A person! Maybe things are finally looking up! Big Grin

*la dee da starts walking down hallway*

*first light shuts off*

Wait what the shit? Huh

*second light shuts off* Exclamation


*all lights off and at back of hallway, pulls out glow-stick and pick axe*

Whew... okay... goooooooooood damnit.... Shit.... Alright... guess its time to whoop some ass...

*starts running down hallway*


*knocked out*


End of Black Plague reaction: D:
End of Requiem: Huh
09-19-2010, 11:35 PM
Toasty Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

Mine was
Spoiler below!
The Second Zombie, The one right after you get the saw.
I nearly shit myself because as soon as I shut the door he WAS RIGHT BEHIND IT!!!!

I shoot a .45 because shooting twice is silly!
06-06-2011, 05:50 PM
Evai Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

Biggest 'shock' moment in Overture was when I made a mistake and the death mix potion exploded while carrying it.. Way too loud, had to turn the speakers down Undecided
06-29-2011, 08:30 PM
Goja Offline
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RE: Your shock moments

First dog of course... Best stressing moment ever in a game! Just after when he blows the door, it's a more "usual" schock, it's nothing compared to first encounter...
06-30-2011, 12:53 AM
TGST Offline

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RE: Your shock moments

I suppose my "biggest shock moment" was when Clarence started playing with Philip's mind in a way that doors weren't there where they were supposed to be, and a couple of Tuurngaits were pursuing Philip.
07-03-2011, 11:51 PM
Darkchef Offline

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RE: Your shock moments

My biggest shock moment was probably when clarence messes with your head and makes you think the nurse is infact a tuurngait so that you kill her.
07-04-2011, 01:09 AM
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