my biggest shock was in Penumbra Black Plague when i saw for the fist time the Zombie , after i took that syringe from that shaft and the zombie was looking for me with the flashlight :S .....My god i was so scared.And that big sticky worm scared me when it appeared after that steel door..and when i saw it with his fangs following me i just stopped the game. After all i finished the first 2 episodes ( the most eciting episodes) and i took the trird episode.This one was not scarry at monsters ...nothing...but i love all of them. A week ago i tooked Amnesia .This is much scarry then the penumbra series cause i don`t now what to espect from it...hopefully i haven`t met any zombies or something like this but i`m expecting to meet them very soon ....but anyway i don`t play this game alone because i`m too scared ....really
i hope that FrictionalGames will continue to make theese kind of games....but not so scarry...just interessing
Also i forgot to say about the spiders from the first episode...nasty creatures..when i was running throught thoose tunnels and when i had to brake some walls to escape, with the spiders on my tail just a few steps on me ... i was scared and desperate to brake thoose walls faster...Anyway i don`t recommend the fist two Penumbra episodes to anyone with nervous breakdown
and in the first path of penumbra at the end ...when you are in that hallway and the lights turns off one after another and when you see a shadw at the end of that corridor ...and the flashlight turns off remaining out of bateries right there...scarry :S :S
i just storyed all the game except the path when you must syncroniset with the linghts and if you don`t some shit will come outta those holes and kil you ...and some point you can`t synchronise anymore..and you must catch the right moment to run ...nasty this path too
i must say that calrence didn`t woke up from that table in penumbra BP i really didn`t saw him on that table .. my game just jumpped off that path and y don`t know why ..can`t understand

) lol i had some luck in that game by not seeyng calrence woking up from that table (with a time less scarry) lucky me