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Why only Pc?
ZIGS Offline

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RE: Why only Pc?

(06-24-2010, 09:05 AM)Thomas Wrote: We'd love to get the game out on consoles, but we simply do not have the time or resources... Confused

yet Wink

When you eventually reach mainstream and start making games for consoles, they'll be so dumbed down I won't care about them anymore, so I wish you guys always remain relatively poor so we keep getting good games Rolleyes
06-25-2010, 02:34 AM
SHODANFreeman Offline
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RE: Why only Pc?

(06-25-2010, 02:34 AM)ZIGS Wrote: When you eventually reach mainstream and start making games for consoles, they'll be so dumbed down I won't care about them anymore, so I wish you guys always remain relatively poor so we keep getting good games Rolleyes

That's not a nice thing to say. Sad

I think their games would work pretty well on the Wii. Smile
06-25-2010, 04:30 AM
Sexbad Offline
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RE: Why only Pc?

Physics games need less aerobic controls and more feedback controls, like the Novint Falcon for Penumbra. I've not used it, but pushing something and being able to feel the force against you, even if you're sitting in a chair, is far more immersive than doing a Star-Wars-like FORCE PUSH move in front of a TV.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
06-25-2010, 06:14 AM
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wrath Offline
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RE: Why only Pc?

(06-24-2010, 04:50 AM)Lee Wrote: Plus PC's better. >:O

+1 tbh. Have you seen DirectX11? (and thats just one example, dear god I could go on, but this isn't the place.)

Maybe, just maybe on the Wii, but even then, or maybe on the 3DS, still I'd be hesitant to even suggest that.

Just to clear things up, and to appease my inner fanboy, troll, and elitist. Sony's argument for Move is "the same as the Wii, but with better graphics, and oh look its just a wee bit more sensitive", which reminds me of the 720 vs 1080p argument. I just don't understand NatalKinectic at all. Who would want to take such a giant leap backwards as to remove any kind of force feedback? So to my mind, especially given that instead of being a mere peripherial it is part of the core experience, for the kind of experience I would see them wanting to go for on console, Nintendo wins hands down. Besides they've already proven they can create a competent first person game on the Wii, even if it is a little tiring on the arm.

Still, for my money, I'd say the PC market is where its at for the best Penumbra experience at least (going on what I know). Of course I can only really speak for myself.

Side note: Has anyone noticed that the way you drive in the racing game demo for Kinect is actually a form of tortue. You try holding your arms outstretched for long periods of time.
06-25-2010, 06:03 PM
RoyaleBeast Offline

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RE: Why only Pc?

motion controls suck unless the games are good. the console industry is basically seeing who can rip off the others console the most. xbox took the ps3 menu, and the wiis miis, ps3 took the wiis controler, and the wii took the sales from the xbox and ps3 for a few years.

motion control are just a shitty gimect to apeal to people who like exercise and people who think gamers are fat slobs. all i got out of the motion controls this years e3 was gamers were fat slobs who need to exercise. also its amazing nintendo had the best press confrence.

no mention of anything shitty related to exercise. all the games from nintendo this year were great classics revaped for the wii. penumbra would be interesting on the wii but it would have to be executed perfectly. silent hill shattered memories had something similar to penumbra just dumbed down. (i love when people say silent hill sm did a cool new inovative thing with the motion pyshics when penumbra has had them since 2007)
06-25-2010, 06:19 PM
nofsky Offline
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RE: Why only Pc?

I don't think it would be impossible to make Penumbra or Amnesia control well with a gamepad. You don't really need the precision of a mouse most of the time. I think an analog stick would suffice in most cases.
06-26-2010, 06:56 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Why only Pc?

(06-26-2010, 06:56 PM)nofsky Wrote: I don't think it would be impossible to make Penumbra or Amnesia control well with a gamepad. You don't really need the precision of a mouse most of the time. I think an analog stick would suffice in most cases.

And with the rare cases, you'd curse the game with throwing away all the fun.

06-26-2010, 07:27 PM
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wrath Offline
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RE: Why only Pc?

(06-24-2010, 02:52 AM)SHODANFreeman Wrote:
(06-24-2010, 02:05 AM)LarZen Wrote: So why only make this game for the Pc? Why not get it out for the PS3 and X360?

Either on a disc or digital? Why sell so few copies when you can sell so many more?

And before the nerd rage comes I would like to say I like your games realy much but betting on a old horse aint the best...time to move to new better fields Frictional Games?

First of all, I don't think they have the money to buy devkits.
Second, I doubt they have the resources to build and test ports of a game simultaneously, even if they had devkits.
Third, the only console that could likely pull off their control scheme and not feel completely terrible is the Wii.
Lastly, PC is far from an "old horse". In 2-3 years, PS3 and 360 will be old and obsolete (and the way things are going, nothing will be backwards compatible next gen), while you can still play games from 1980 on your PC right now.

Funny how the first reply got it right first time. At least he got in all the points that matter, the rest is conjecture and bias.
06-28-2010, 04:40 AM
Unreal Offline

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RE: Why only Pc?

Dev kits for PS3 and 360 are in the thousands of dollars each. Furthermore, as mentioned before, joystick controls would not fit Frictional's style of games. Perhaps in the future, if Amnesia is a blockbuster hit, Friction will have enough money to make something for the Wii or 3DS. Personally, I would LOVE to see the Penumbra collection for the 3DS Big Grin
07-02-2010, 06:03 PM
Kodiak Offline
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RE: Why only Pc?

Of course mouse and keyboard give superior control in FPS's. If done right though, gamepads are just fine too. One example of a really well done console FPS is the Timesplitters series for the PS2.

A gamepad would work great for this game, I think. I'd map one of the trigger buttons to modify turning speed/look sensitivity, so you could slam doors or turn around quickly.
07-08-2010, 04:40 PM

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