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Gas lid??what gas lid?
Nuverian Offline
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Gas lid??what gas lid?

Seems im missing something!
Spoiler below!
Ive read to use the hammer on the gas lid? ummm What gas lid? seems I cant find it.And if what Im looking on is a gas lid, then "use hammer on it means smashing it to pieces?

04-05-2007, 02:22 AM
Willbreaker Offline

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RE: Gas lid??what gas lid?

A gas lid is the thing protecting the hole in which you pour GASoline. You'll have to use the hammer with the gas can in the inventory and then use that item on the machine.

04-05-2007, 02:49 AM
Nuverian Offline
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Bug  RE: Gas lid??what gas lid?

for christ shake!
I thought there was a lid ON the machine that I had to open and pour the gas inside...
Oh well!
Thanks eitherway Undecided

04-05-2007, 04:09 AM
stAtic15 Offline
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RE: Gas lid??what gas lid?

Nuverian Wrote:I thought there was a lid ON the machine that I had to open and pour the gas inside...

Haha, no worries, I thought the same Smile

PenumbrA ;)
04-05-2007, 09:58 AM
nun Offline
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RE: Gas lid??what gas lid?

(04-05-2007, 09:58 AM)stAtic15 Wrote:
Nuverian Wrote:I thought there was a lid ON the machine that I had to open and pour the gas inside...

Haha, no worries, I thought the same Smile

See. That's the problem.

I remember getting stuck here before when I've originally played the game, and after obtaining the game for the Nth time (i love penumbra, closest thing to half-life1/thief) during humble-bundle...

I am replaying it now and was stuck again (my memory is like something with a great many small holes) and had to google and come upon here for the answer.

I believe it is a linguistic problem that could be easily fixed.

I understand that the game is v1.1 and the developers are focusing all efforts on Amnesia, but if any updates are possible to be made to Penumbra, I believe this would be an easy suggestion to implement.

In fact, I've nearly done all the work for you.

In the file:
\Penumbra Overture\redist\config\English.lang

line #712:
The lid on the gas can is rusted shut. I'd better have something that can get it open, or I'll be down here for a long time.

changed to:
The lid on my gas canister is rusted shut. I better have something that can get it open, or I'll be down here for a long time.

File attached.

Attached Files
.zip   English.zip (Size: 53.9 KB / Downloads: 228)
07-08-2010, 10:26 AM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Gas lid??what gas lid?

Please, do not bump over 3 years old threads.

07-08-2010, 12:54 PM
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