Everything has been working fine, with the exception of relatively chaotic physics calculation (as it seems), and the whole application completely dying upon going into Archives. Went through the place as usual, to the main hall, went to the lab, tinkered with various things in there, went to the refinery area (and got blocked), went to the lab, then tried entering the wine cellar (but door locked), then tried entering the Archives room. Load screen shows, few seconds, application dies. Each time I recontinue the game, it dies when trying to enter the Archives room.
Game was installed to /usr/games/
Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit
NVidia GeForce 8800GT
And via terminal, I have an error of: Amnesia.bin64: /builddir/core2/sources/impl/tinyXml/tinyxml.cpp:1102: virtual void TiXmlDocument:

rint(FILE*, int) const: Assertion `cfile' failed.