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Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3
Adeno Offline
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3


XXIII. Making Agrippa's Tonic


Congratulations! You've just gone through another thrilling chase! Now
it's time to make Agrippa's Tonic. Move forward. There's a note on the
left and a tinderbox. Grab it and read the note.

Daniel will faint and remember about the people he actually caused to
suffer. In this vivid flashback, go ahead and keep moving forward to the

After regaining consciousness, move forward and go through the door.
The castle is becoming more filled with the red organic matter. Continue
on and go through another door.

We're now back to the area where we crawled out of a well. There's a
tinderbox on top of the well, grab it. Move forward. The door to our
left is blocked by rocks. Continue forward and open the door. There's a
lot of red organic matter on the ground. Run and then jump forward, then
quickly crouch to pass under the wood. Go through the door.

We're now back to the spiral stairs. Keep moving to reach the bottom.
Remove the barrel blocking the door and go through. Be careful of the
red organic stuff.

After entering, look to the right. Remember the Laboratory? Now it's open!
Go inside the Laboratory. The shelf on left side has a tinderbox, grab it.

Mixing Agrippa's Tonic Solution:

Inside the Laboratory are three scientific tools. One on the left, one
in the middle, and one on the right. Go to the device on the right. Open
your inventory and use the Glass Jar of Blood on it. Turn the valve. When
it's done being heated, grab the jar to have the Incomplete Tonic.

Next, go to the device in the middle. It has a lever, and the square part
of the device can be opened. Open this. Open your inventory and put the
Remains inside this square thing. Close the square thing. Open your
inventory and use the Incomplete Tonic on the square thing. Now pull the
lever. Grab the Incomplete Tonic afterwards.

For the last part, let's go to the device on the left. Open your inventory
and choose the Incomplete Tonic. Use it on the device. Next, open your
inventory and choose the Poison Gland and use it on the device. Now turn
the crank on top of the device until it squishes the Poison Gland.

Congratulations! You have finally made Agrippa's Weyer's Tonic! Grab it!

Exit the room and continue forward. Go through the door and down the
stairs so that we can see Agrippa again. He will tell you that the
Laboratory might be accessible now. Of course we've been there already.
Wait a bit and he'll tell you that you can feed him the tonic and you can
decapitate him afterwards so you could take his still living head with
you to fight Alexander.

Open your inventory, choose Weyer's Tonic, and use it on Agrippa. Now
turn left and move through the new hole because we'll need to find the
saw to cut off Agrippa's head. In the new room, go to the shelf and grab
the Bone Saw.

Exit the room through the hole and go to Agrippa. Use the Bone Saw on him!
After cutting, pick his head up from the ground.

Turn right and head straight. Go through the door, we're going back to
the Chancel where we got ambushed the first time. Go through the door to
get into the Chancel.

XXIV. Assembling The Orb


Go up the stairs. Crouch and turn off your lantern. Go through the door.
We're now finally in the Chancel. There are bluegreen flames lighting up
the area. This was the part where we got ambushed.

Move forward and you'll notice that there are three interconnected bridges.
The one to the right has been broken already, although it was accessible
during an earlier part of the game. It was an optional extra trip.

In front of us, we have bridges that lead to doors to the left and to the
front. The door to the left leads to some machine parts while the front
door leads to the magically blocked path.

From where we are, cross the bridge and reach the center. We need to go
to the room to the left, so turn left and move forward. You might suddenly
see a monster shambling towards you coming from the room. At this point,
run back to where we started and go through the door and down the stairs.
Wait a minute or two and then go back up.

When it's safe, cross the bridge again up to the middle, turn left and
move towards the door. Enter the room.

In the room, there's a shelf in front of you that has a tinderbox and
a Bucket of Tar. Grab them. On the table is a note, read it.

The note is part of Daniel's diary. Daniel contemplates about how he has
killed lots of people in an attempt to save his own life. He feels like
he's become a very horrible man and he feels guilty.

After reading, grab a rock in the room and go downstairs. It's a room with
machinery, in the middle are gears. The corner in the far right is a good
hiding place in case of a monster attack. Throw the rock into the gears
to make the machine stop. Be sure you're a little bit far away since some
debris might hit and hurt you. After this, go back up the stairs and open
the door. If there's a monster here, close the door and run back down to
the machine room and hide in the corner where it is safe.

Anyway, if you don't encounter a monster, just cross the bridge back to
the middle part and turn left. We are now going to the room with the
magical barrier. Move forward and enter the room.

Inside the room, in front of us is the weakened magical barrier, but it's
still there. If you try to touch it, you'll get hurt. Look to the left
side of the room. There's a an orb receptacle.

Open your inventory and use the Bucket of Tar on the receptacle. Now,
put all six pieces of the orb in the receptacle. Watch as the orb absorbs
the power of the magic barrier!

Run through the passage and enter the door to the Inner Sanctum!

XV. Facing Alexander

Inner Sanctum

Continue running down the stairs! As soon as you reach the ground, pull
down the lever on the pillar to your left! You'll notice that the entrance
on the left side will open so go through it.

You'll finally reach a room. In front of you is a table with a note, to
the left is a weird circle on the ground, and to the right is an altar.
Read the note on the table.

This is another one of Daniel's pages of the diary. In it, Daniel expresses
his anger towards Alexander because he was used by him and turned into a
murderer. Daniel couldn't take this anymore so he really wants revenge.

Turn to the right and touch the pointy altar thing. It'll prick you
and the lights will die.

Turn around and go to wall with the weird circle. The two candles beside
it will die. Stand near the center of the circle, then light up both
candles again. Be fast about it because the candles will be blown out
in a matter of moments if you don't do this.

Exit the room and head straight to the next room right in front of you.
To the left is another alter, and to the right is another weird circle.
Touch the altar to let it prick you, then stand on the weird circle and
the two candles will die again. Light them up fast.

The entire area will start to be filled with the red organic matter. Exit
the room and look to the right. Suddenly, the big door is now open! Go
through it and enter the door into the Orb Chamber!

Orb Chamber

The Orb Chamber is a medium sized circular room. Around it are three
pylons that channel magic, while in the center is a portal. At the far
end of the Chamber is the old and naked Alexander, floating in the air as
he is protected by blue magical flames.

Now is the time for you to decide which endings you'd like to see. There
are three endings, just follow the specific steps below to see the ending
that you like.

Getting The Normal Ending:

As soon as you enter this room, grab the pylon in front of you that is
channeling magic. Move around to find the direction where you can push it.
If you are facing front, just grab this pylon and move left. It will be
pushed to the left and fall over. You'll suddenly move slower, but this
is ok.

Next, go to the pylon on the left. For the sake of reference, use the same
view from where you pushed the first pylon over. In this case, if you're
facing the pylon on the left, it should be shooting out magic going to the
right. Grab it and push it forward to make it fall.

Go to the last remaining pylon to the right. Face it. It should be shooting
magic to the left. Grab it and push it to to front.

Watch as poor Alexander's plans are crushed and he gets annihilated!

Congratulations, you have just finished one of the most horrifying games
in gaming history!

Getting The Bad Ending:

Now that you're inside the Orb Chamber, simply do nothing. That's it. Let
Alexander do his thing. After a few minutes, he will succeed in going
through the portal, leaving you to die.

Congratulations, although this ending sucks, you have just finished one of
the most horrifying games in gaming history!

Getting The Good Ending:

Go to the middle of the room where the pylons are channeling their magic
to the center. This is the spot where the portal is going to open up. We
need to wait for the portal to be fully open. You'll know that it is fully
open when it becomes big and blue. At this point, open your inventory and
use Agrippa's head on it.

Watch as Alexander's plans are foiled and he gets annihilated!

Congratulations, you have just finished one of the most horrifying games
in gaming history with the best possible ending!

Part 3


Extra Ending:

At the part where you get ambushed by the monsters in the Chancel, you'll
be trapped in a cell and Alexander will talk to you via telepathy. While
in the cell, pull the bare wooden bed and push it near the broken iron bar.
Jump on top of the bed, crouch, and don't do anything. Wait around 6 to
7 minutes and you'll start hearing the voices of the previously tortured
prisoners. You'll eventually die and Alexander will thank you for your

Extra Room in The Chancel:

When you get to the part where you first meet Agrippa in the Nave, instead
of looking for the orbs right away, go to the Chancel. You'll get a
flashback. Just be careful because a monster might be wandering around.
When it's safe, go back into the main Chancel room.

In front of you will be four interconnected bridges. The three lead to
rooms. The left room is an equipment room, the middle room has the path
that is blocked by a magic barrier, while the room on the right contains
some extra supplies and looks like it has an altar.

Later in the game, you will not be able to access the room in the right
because the bridge would have been destroyed by the dying castle.

Extra Content:

Go to Program Files\Amnesia - The Dark Descent\redist folder.

Find super_secret.rar. This file can be opened by programs such as WinRAR,
WinZIP, or 7Zip.

Try to extract it. It will ask for a password.

Copy and paste this password: lke271tyr299odn314

The password is actually assembled. Each part of them, lke271, tyr299, and
odn314 are given at the end of the credits when you finish a game. You
get one of these depending on the type of ending you get.

* If you downloaded your game from Steam and you don't see the file called
super_secret.rar in the redist folder, they say you just have to restart
steam and Amnesia will be updated with the file.

The super_secret.rar file contains concept art, designs, documents, and
videos involved in the game's development.

Part 4

Copyright Information:

I wrote this guide so that people can use it for FREE. You can post this
FAQ in any website as long as people can access it for FREE.

Copyright 2009 - 9999 Adenosine

09-13-2010, 09:14 AM
NGW Offline

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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

Nice work..but did this really need to be split into 3 separate threads?

[Image: ngweyesigcopy.jpg]
09-13-2010, 05:01 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

(09-13-2010, 05:01 PM)NGW Wrote: Nice work..but did this really need to be split into 3 separate threads?

Maybe character limit reached?

09-13-2010, 05:47 PM
Website Find
Adeno Offline
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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

Unfortunately yeah, I guess it was too long and had to be split lol, anyway it'll be on GameFaqs soon so it'll be on one good page, have fun Smile

09-13-2010, 06:01 PM
Adeno Offline
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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

Hi again! I just wanted everyone to know that the full walkthrough is now available on the GameFaqs Amnesia. Have funSmile

FULL WALKTHROUGH NOW AVAILABLE HERE -> GameFaqs - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

09-13-2010, 07:04 PM
Dark Knight Offline
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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

Nice work!

BUT about Extra Ending:

is it really Final ending of game? (i mean after that you can see titles?????)
09-14-2010, 02:16 PM
Adeno Offline
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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

(09-14-2010, 02:16 PM)Dark Knight Wrote: Nice work!

BUT about Extra Ending:

is it really Final ending of game? (i mean after that you can see titles?????)

Thanks! About the extra ending well....

Spoiler below!

If you stay in your cell for that amount of time (6-7 minutes) and manage to avoid getting hit by the red organic matter, you'll eventually die in a scripted event and Alexander thanks you. It's the same as the Bad ending.

09-14-2010, 03:39 PM
Mephisto Offline
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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

Thanks a lot for this! It's very well written! Smile
09-14-2010, 04:36 PM
Adeno Offline
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RE: Amnesia: The Dark Descent Full Walkthrough 3/3

Thank you very much for the appreciation lol! Anyway the faq's been updated on the GameFaqs page (v1.1), I won't be updating the faq here since it'll be too messy (added some stuff and fixed errors on the main file) so I just added a link at the top of the original I posted here pointing to the faq.

Have fun and keep the horror alive Big Grin

09-14-2010, 06:53 PM

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