The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion use it a fair amount too, the bolders in the world, the caves, the prison walls, many places where they were used, and the performance is still very nice. (I believe it cannot be easily disabled either.)
Say um, am I missing the setting or is this POM an advanced config file setting? Can't find it.
(09-16-2010, 08:24 AM)Hionimi Wrote: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion use it a fair amount too, the bolders in the world, the caves, the prison walls, many places where they were used, and the performance is still very nice. (I believe it cannot be easily disabled either.)
Say um, am I missing the setting or is this POM an advanced config file setting? Can't find it.
yOU HAVE TO ADJUST it manually in the main_settings CFG file (open with notepad) ...
btw. allways make a backup of the file .....just in case
"and the ones that do have for some textures like Stalker lose considerable performance with it on."
not so much, the complete 2009 mod use a lot of POM textures and its fluid with a gt 8800 or more, its a lot about filters (distance of view when POM is activated)
its like a bilinear filter, at a certain distance, it atcivate it.
In crysis, the POM filter is trilinear if I remember well.
there is no POM filters at all in amnesia and thats one of the reasons it lags so much with POM enabled i think.
(09-20-2010, 04:09 AM)HamStar Wrote: Isn't DX11 hardware also "more compatible" with the newer OpenGL? Or maybe latest OpenGl can simply use the same hardware resources DX11 uses?
maybe you can talk at feature levels, and they're on par
(see the attached picture)
I've tested on other hardware/driver pairs and they all failed the same:
GeForce GTX460, 258.96 - FAILED
GeForce GTX460, 260.63beta - FAILED
I'll try to modify shader to find the source of troubles.
My first guess is that dynamic cycle count can cause that, GPU just cant calculate derivatives for tex2D sampling if number of cycles is different in the same quad of pixels - this also explains why lags depend on current view. Of-course driver can handle this scenario and invoke the same number of iterations on all 4 threads of the quad, but I think this is the place in driver where the problem can be.