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The Darkness /!\WORKING ON NEXT MAP (30%)/!\
Jordo76 Offline

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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

So this is it !
My next map is released now and avaible for downloads,
And she come with 4 languages ! French,English,Italian and Spanish !
I've got some troubles today because of the commentaries that bugged and cut some sound,so i let this down but post the .wma original files for you if you want to listen to them,
So here the downloads like ! Hope you enjoy !
Quote:Here the download for my maps
Here the Rar ! (Archive host) & Here the Zip ! (Archive host) [ZIP VERSION NOT AVAIBLE YET]
Here the Rar ! (MediaFire) & Here the Zip ! (MediaFire) [RECOMMENDED]
or even
Here ! (Vanjavk Site with Thesefiles link) [OUTDATED]
or the zip version on Strategy Informer !
Here ! (Strategy Informer) [OUTDATED]

Don't forget to download and extract the fix in the darkness folder here : Here !
10-05-2010, 09:31 PM
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Sexbad Offline
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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

I downloaded it and started in the prison instead of the guest room. You might want to fix that. Also, I noticed some errors in my grammar (I didn't understand the context of some things.) so I will send you a fixed language file soon.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
10-05-2010, 10:03 PM
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Jordo76 Offline

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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

Oh damnit,i forgot to fix this !
Here the patch :
The Fix
Extract it in the darkness folder
Contain :
Corrected Start Position + Corrected English Grammar
10-05-2010, 10:21 PM
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Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

Hm, what do I have to do after I got out of Cellblock A? I don't have any keys to open the other two doors.

I also don't have any oil since you removed all in the corridor and that after I used the large oil potion I found. Sad

10-05-2010, 10:59 PM
Jordo76 Offline

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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

Search where you found the cell block a to find the other key Wink and sorry for the oil :x
10-05-2010, 11:15 PM
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Sexbad Offline
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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

The second level is more interesting, but I got into cell block B, and now I am stuck!

Spoiler below!
I went into the room with crates and the spooky monster and found the switch. I then went into the room adjacent to it with the two notes. I don't know where to go now!

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
10-05-2010, 11:46 PM
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Jordo76 Offline

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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

Spoiler below!
There is something that shouldn't be in an "office",do not Forget to move everything you can too
10-05-2010, 11:56 PM
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Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

Completed it now. Keep up the good athmosphere, but don't make the character breath all the time when something happens.
Also give me some oil. Tongue

10-06-2010, 12:43 AM
TheWhiteDreamsOfLife Offline
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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

Could someone please tell me, or point me to a place that tells me how to get this to work?

Never mind I found it. Damn I played 3 minutes of one I downloaded previously and couldn't keep playing, too scary. Some of you guys have good talent at this stuff.
10-06-2010, 04:42 AM
magicmike20 Offline
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RE: The Darkness /!\NEXT MAP RELEASED/!\

Honestly, this was a really good attempt.

However, there were some things that could be improved.

1. The breathing was overdone. Useful at some parts, but then it just got out of hand.
2. The first door shutting was effective, but after that I came to expect it.
3. The fake monsters that disappeared was freaky the first time it happened, but the second time I knew it was fake and waited patiently to regain control.

I read someone's post in this threat that mentioned execution needed work; that's exactly my thought after completing this mod.

Besides improved timings and executions, my only real complaint is that I didn't get any oil pretty much throughout the entire story. There was one Large Oil Potion in the first level, but once you go to the second level, at some point all of the oil disappeared and I was forced to look at darkness until my sight adjusted and it really just got to be a huge annoyance. You should seriously consider adding some oil potions around in the prison (under tables or something) but just enough to get through the story if the player is using it sparingly.

Besides that, it was very well done for a first map. I enjoyed it. Thank you for putting time into creating it and thanks to everyone who helped with scripts and notes and such.
10-07-2010, 09:30 PM

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