(09-26-2010, 04:17 PM)Scraper Wrote: There's savegames for every level. 
The earliest save game I have in my list is in the Study and that is quite a while after making my way past the Refinery obstacle.. any other ideas?
Solved my own problem
With a minor bit of hacking and snooping around inside the save files and Amnesia graphics folders I was able to empty out my chemical container full of acid to create the original empty container

Update No. 3
Okay.. so not entirely solved my own problem.. I can make it so that I have the empty container in my Inventory or even the container filled with explosive.. but when I try to use either item (either to fill the empty container or place the explosive at the cave-in) then it tells me that the item cannot be used here..
Any help from the developers would be greatly appreciated!