(10-01-2010, 04:29 PM)Urkle Wrote: check the "libs" folder in the game install directory. Is there a symlink to "libopenal.so.1" there?
If not, probably your system openal library is broke. Run this command to tell the game to use the included openal
cd /install/dir/AmnesiaDemo
ln -s all/libopenal.so.1 libs/libopenal.so.1
If it IS there, then try installing the openal library in your distribution and re-run the "checklibs.sh" script.
Hang on... Im not so hot computers (but that wont stop me from playing amnesia

), but it sounds like this could actually fix my game from crashing as soon as I launch it, so my question is... How do i get the game to run a 'Command'? I tried to google it but i had no such luck, as the only search results that i could find were for non-Mac computers. Please help me out, thanks in advance!