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What part of Amnesia scared you the most?
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

I'll have to say the following scared the crap out of me:
Spoiler below!

The Storage scene (I already knew about what happened after you pick the "items up" but I did NOT expect what happens when you pass the rubble you exploded. I literally screamed and paused. My hands were shaking the entire chase.

The Acid Pot scene. That was just plain mean. This is what happened to me:
Spoiler below!

I went into the Right room with the diary and tinderbox. Then I went into the room across. The monster noise instantly played, so I panicked and ran into the room and shut the door. The monster walks out of the chain room and I flipped shit, ran to the door and tried to open it. I got out just as the monster went to attack. I slammed the door and ran down the hall. Then I stumbled across the room with the Acid Pot. Grabbed it and went to leave. I walk up the stairs and turn the corner and the Monster was running straight down the hall. I took off and made it to the Kitchen. The door was broken down from the earlier encounter. So I ran to hide behind the pigs. I look where the monster coulf get me. I see it run into the pigs and it got me. I had to quit.

I just got to the Machine Control room. Got stuck there, and had to look up a walkthrough for that part.

And I know it only gets scarier from here. :O
10-21-2010, 12:23 AM
Cossak11 Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

Jeez that was a close second for me but the part that freaked me and my friends out was the part with the poor sod chained to the wall, My friend who was playing walked by the dude and I said "Dang, that must've blown," Then the sap looks up, We all were like "Holy Fricken shit!" I almost crapped.
(10-12-2010, 07:29 PM)StayVisible Wrote: The part with the invisible creature in the water and the sewer part also creeped me out!

Crap, the water part actually made one my friends soil himself, we would've laughed, but we were still scared shitless.
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2010, 01:44 PM by Cossak11.)
10-22-2010, 01:41 PM
Deu sex Offline

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?


why ?

because im a player who carries on every time. in every rooms i went i was building hiding places, so i never died or got hurt.

but the choir...
when the monster spawns almost front of me...
i was screaming at hell and running at the first place where you can commit suicide and crying : "I AM COMMITING A SUICIDE YOU WILL NOT GET ME !!! (I was falling to the ground but so proud... lol ! ^^)
10-23-2010, 11:24 PM
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

What would've been cool, is in the scene where you go into the Chancel with all the Orb Pieces and you get captured, if you ran fast enough back and slammed the door shut, you could run back down to the door to the Nave, but it was stuck and then the monsters bust the door down and then attack you.

If you close the door and run, you still get attacked and captured, even if they are behind the door. :/
10-23-2010, 11:27 PM
Kein Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

No, you won't get attacked.

It's a script zone. Check "Avoid Capture" below Tongue

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10-24-2010, 02:58 AM
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

Yeah, I've seen that. Is the script made so the 3 monsters appear once you pass a certain point?
10-24-2010, 10:19 PM
Mr. X Offline

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

The whole game scared me!
10-25-2010, 06:25 PM
Kein Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

(10-24-2010, 10:19 PM)iNEXSERTiON Wrote: Yeah, I've seen that. Is the script made so the 3 monsters appear once you pass a certain point?


I think it would be better to not place those scripts zones but instead to spawn two grunts behind you (with sound like door opened and then being locked).

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10-26-2010, 04:23 AM
Mr. X Offline

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

(10-12-2010, 09:39 AM)Mjarr Wrote:
Spoiler below!
The iron maiden. Only part of the game that scared me what I consider genuine scare on subjective point of view (aka what actually scared me in some way).

You sir, have balls of steel.
10-26-2010, 05:28 AM
Mantley Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

Hello all you Amnesia fans! I´m a huge fan of the Frictional Games, I´ve already played Penumbra before, and i liked it, but i must say that Amnesia rocks, much better than Penumbra! maybe because im a big fan of horror games, sincerely most of the self called horror games, are not horror games, Amnesia yes, its a real horror game, and very well done! thanks to the developers that made a great job.. The atmosphere of the game is brilliant, for you that want the best experience possible from this game i suggest you to play at night with no noise and headphones and of course in a dark room, its beautiful! Smile i find my self within a great stress and tension almost in every game part, i´ve just activated the elevator now and im starting the prison part, not played it yet but its so dark that i think the better parts are still to come! one of the scariest parts for me till now is the first part with water were theres a invisible monster under water, woww my heart beated hard!! I cant stop thinking in this game since i´ve start playing it, i would love that more developers made game like this! AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG!! A big hug to frictional guys for your great work! Keep going! Make Amnesia 2!! Tongue
10-27-2010, 01:54 PM

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