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Black Plague: Glowstick causes freeze

Not Solved Black Plague: Glowstick causes freeze
In the first scene when I pick up the glowstick the game freezes and I cannot move or look around anymore. Music continues and background effects such as dripping from the ceiling still work.
I looked through the troubleshooting guide and attempted turning off post effects and steam overlay. Penumbra has write permissions on its folder and this is a fresh install so no edits to configurations have been made (except after I noticed the problem).

I am playing Penumbra on Steam, the OS is Ubuntu 16.04.

HPG log attached.

Forgot to mention, my graphics card is GeForce GTX 980M

Attached Files
.log   hpl.log (Size: 28.51 KB / Downloads: 145)
12-06-2016, 05:49 PM
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