(11-02-2010, 06:55 PM)weeman0313 Wrote: (11-02-2010, 06:40 PM)xiphirx Wrote: (11-02-2010, 06:27 PM)weeman0313 Wrote: Hey guys I've been trying to stream Amnesia on live-stream to get a few friends interested in growing balls and playing the game but anytime i launch Amnesia the game crashes due to procaster. Now i talked to someone who streamed it and the only thing he could tell me was i had to edit a txt file and change something along the lines of windowedallowed = "false" to "true". Now I'm not sure if that's exactly what i have to change, but does anybody know what i have to change and where it is located?
I had this exact problem. You need to downgrade your version of procaster. Earlier (10.X versions) work. Procaster is a horrible piece of software 
I use 10.0.124 and it streams Amnesia perfectly.
yea everyone keeps telling me procaster is shit. so i have to uninstall and find an old version? you wouldnt happen to have a link to a download source would you? thanks for you help btw 
I wouldn't recommend downloading from this site usually, but it seems to be the only place that has it
BTW post your livestream link!

mine is
http://livestream.com/xiphirx I have about 5 or so Amnesia Vods I think... (only at the prison atm)