Hi i have problem. When i execute Amnesia.exe i get to the launcher.. but in the launcher it lags like hell and even in the game menu. I could create a profile but couldn't choose it because of the massive lag.
Everytime i move the mouse it freezes for 1-2 sec (but when i touch nothing, nothing lags everything runs perfectly smooth, no frame drop or anything) and then the same over again when i move it. I tried to press Enter to choose the profile but then it lags again for 1-2 sec and i am still in the profile selection menu.
I have tried turning everything off, put everything on the lowest settings, turned off everything in the launcher who can cause performance issues. but still the same lag when i move the mouse or anything.
Really need help with this, because i'm dying to play it. From what i saw on youtube this has to be the scariest game of all time, awesome work Frictional Games! And its nice to know that you guys are swedish, like me

And yeah my specs are:
Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E6600 @ 3.06Ghz - 3.07Ghz
RAM: 4.00GB
Windows 7, 64bit
ATI Radeon HD 5400 Series (updated drivers to the latest one)
I can run crysis pretty smooth on high settings, and can run COD:MW2 perfectly smooth on highest settings.
So it must be a problem with the game supporting ATI cards i guess?
Or is there a solution?
Thanks in advance!