If i make ideas that belong to somebody else, credit to them.
1. Random monster encounters
Monsters should spawn in most areas randomly (Except for the "Hub" area)
2. Most monsters do not disappear
Most monsters should patrol and look for you, and don't disappear; the last grunt in the storage for example, i got so scared at that part, i just booked it.
3. More hallucinations
Like in the Nave,
4. Death is not an option
This one is hard to explain, if you die, you should go back to the hub, and if you completed a room before you died, the room
stays completed. A checkpoint is reached, once you complete a hub, and another checkpoint is reached after the journey.
(Journey is the little area before the next hub. I.E. Refinery, Prison ect.)
5. The point of no return
The game already has a few examples of this, too few. If you choose to enter a room, you
cannot go back... until that room is completed.
(Completed = requires all important pieces. Oil, laudanum and tinderbox do not count.)
(Places like laboratory that can be entered early, but you can't get all the required pieces such as acid, you can exit early.)
6. More visual effects
Every loud beat of the chase music makes the screen go darker for a split second.
Every time something disturbing happens, the screen jerks up a little. Ect.
7. Hard mode
Random enemy spawns, enemy music is disabled, character can trip while running, lantern runs out faster which means you need to conserve your oil even more, less helpful items ect.
That pretty much sums it up, do you think this would make Amnesia any scarier?
What's with the big spaces? I didn't put those there when i made it.