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Things that would have made Amnesia scarier
hoppem Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

I must admit amnesia was scary but ive been more scared but the fact that amnesia makes you immerse yourself makes it way different I think they shouldve have done more haunted things like stuff flying and more scary sounds of people,the ambient sounds were terrific but the people moaning were a bit weird and didnt get me freaked out and another thing there should have been more psychological things such us people would be whispering and thoughts of like commiting suicide and stuff like real dark and grim
12-03-2011, 09:00 AM
Serja Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

One of the things that kind of broke the immersion for me a little was in the Morgue.

Spoiler below!
When the Brute smashes down the door and comes in you can hear it tearing the room to bits, but when it leaves and you slide out of wherever you hid, the room is untouched. It would have been great if they had been able to tear the room up to match with the awful noises it made.

As for sanity scares, the one that really got me is when your screen suddenly gets a red tinge to it. I thought I'd somehow missed a monster sneaking up on me (I was in the machine room for the elevator at the time) and I just about lost it. The hanging meat is a little odd, but on one occasion when I got it it was so obviously a hallucination that I just ignored it. If it had been a dangling corpse instead of dangling porcine, then I probably would have wigged out.
01-02-2012, 03:31 AM
Carrna Offline

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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

The first playtime scared me shitless, but every time after that I've noticed I've been wishing:

~ That monsters wouldn't disappear after a while. At least not always. They should stay in there like they do in Penumbra. I've already stopped counting how many times I've played Amnesia but I'm still avoiding Penumbras a bit since there's so much tension in the air even after I've beaten them already. Big Grin In Justine it was such a positive surprise when the monsters wouldn't go away. Panic x 10.

~ Difficulty levels! Easy, normal, challenging and hard for example. On harder difficulty there could be less of tinderboxes and oil so that you can't light everything on the way. More monsters, easier sanity reduction or something. Experienced players can avoid pretty much all of the darkness, monsters and sanity loss = everything that makes it scary.

~ Less obvious triggers. Monsters could spawn also at random and not always when you pick up something important or walk at some same spot. The best scares are almost all avoidable when you know that's something's going to happen when you pick up something, so you can clear the whole area in peace and pick the trigger up when you're finished. Sad

(This post was last modified: 01-02-2012, 09:59 AM by Carrna.)
01-02-2012, 09:58 AM
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imgoneimdead Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

(01-02-2012, 03:31 AM)Serja Wrote: One of the things that kind of broke the immersion for me a little was in the Morgue.

Spoiler below!
When the Brute smashes down the door and comes in you can hear it tearing the room to bits, but when it leaves and you slide out of wherever you hid, the room is untouched. It would have been great if they had been able to tear the room up to match with the awful noises it made.

He isn't tearing up the room. That's the sound you hear when he walks. He's wearing a bunch of rusty metal armor peices that make alot of noise.
01-02-2012, 06:33 PM
Mr.Amnesia Offline

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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

the paintings of Alexander when you go near them and go near there face in the paintings the eyes move and stare right on you that would be scary as hell.
01-06-2012, 12:06 PM
JWGinator96 Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

Something that would make the game scarier would be if you are hiding in a closet from one of the monsters and are constantly opening and closing the doors or making too much noise is that the monster would actually check the closet(s) in the room you are in to try and find you, or just does this at its own accord.
01-11-2012, 09:29 PM
Shadowman60 Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

If i make ideas that belong to somebody else, credit to them.

1. Random monster encounters

Monsters should spawn in most areas randomly (Except for the "Hub" area)

2. Most monsters do not disappear

Most monsters should patrol and look for you, and don't disappear; the last grunt in the storage for example, i got so scared at that part, i just booked it.

3. More hallucinations

Like in the Nave,
Spoiler below!
If you fall down a well, you spawn in the previously locked room, and it seems you're trapped. But if you try to open the door, the Shadow will disappear, and the door was open the whole time.

4. Death is not an option

This one is hard to explain, if you die, you should go back to the hub, and if you completed a room before you died, the room stays completed. A checkpoint is reached, once you complete a hub, and another checkpoint is reached after the journey.

(Journey is the little area before the next hub. I.E. Refinery, Prison ect.)

5. The point of no return

The game already has a few examples of this, too few. If you choose to enter a room, you cannot go back... until that room is completed.

(Completed = requires all important pieces. Oil, laudanum and tinderbox do not count.)

(Places like laboratory that can be entered early, but you can't get all the required pieces such as acid, you can exit early.)

6. More visual effects


Every loud beat of the chase music makes the screen go darker for a split second.

Every time something disturbing happens, the screen jerks up a little. Ect.

7. Hard mode

Random enemy spawns, enemy music is disabled, character can trip while running, lantern runs out faster which means you need to conserve your oil even more, less helpful items ect.


That pretty much sums it up, do you think this would make Amnesia any scarier?

What's with the big spaces? I didn't put those there when i made it.
(This post was last modified: 01-12-2012, 05:31 AM by Shadowman60.)
01-12-2012, 05:28 AM
ModestWalrus Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

(11-12-2010, 05:23 PM)Crafter Wrote: Would have been scarier if the water monsters show their forms out of the water when they attack you.

A monster inside a closet that you open... oh man i was expecting that sooo many times, expecting it just makes it scarier.

That is all....
I dont know, my own imagination for the water horror was enough for me to flip my shit, I think if it had a physical shape it would take away from wondering "What the fuck"

01-14-2012, 07:26 PM
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BlueFury Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

in reply to the post with the big spaces:

1. Disagree, that just leads to bugs.
2. Disagree, they dissapear because hallicunation is checked.
3. Don't know, i don't really care about those.
4. Disagree, if you're bad at the game, then that could just make you pissed off.
5. Agree
6. Agree
7. Agree, except for tripping and faster running out of oil, you could also just have less oil/tinderboxes right?

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts. – Robert Fulghum
01-14-2012, 07:57 PM
d2tz Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

One thing i thought of was this...
This sounds stupid and probably shouldn't be put in the game but when you start a new game there should be a hardcore mode.
The hardcore changes a couple of things. Such as when a monster spawns there is no searching music and you only know if it's there by hearing it growl ect. This would add to the horror by not knowing if the monster had left the area or could be right around the corner.
Another feature was, when i played the game i always had loads of oil and tinderboxes. althoguh i only used my lantern and rarely the tinderboxes. So in the hardcore mode they could make sure there was limited supplies..
These are just what i think would be good for the game. I Also like the idea of the monster being chained up but maybe, it looks dead and when you take the item. The monsters eyes shoot open and you go into persute with the monster chasing you

EDIT; Sorry didn't see the post above about hard mode with no monster music
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2012, 06:39 PM by d2tz.)
02-15-2012, 05:04 PM

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