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Full Conversion Mods won't start

Solved: 7 Years, 4 Weeks ago Full Conversion Mods won't start
steam Version

Trying to run full Conversion mods and keep getting error message "can not load main init file: Amadeus/config/Amadeus_main_init.cfg" when I run the Bat file for the Mods.
I last played full conversions about 6 months ago with no issues.
Did a update break the full Conversion mods?
A couple others have reported the same issue on ModDB with the Full Conversion mod "Amadeus"
I tried another called "North Eclipse" and have the same issue.
ATDD and Custom Stories work fine.
Anyone else having this issue?
02-18-2018, 11:48 PM
Romulator Offline
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Solved: 7 Years, 4 Weeks ago RE: Full Conversion Mods won't start
Could not load the main_init.cfg file suggests to me that it is either a bad installation of the full conversion mod or something is wrong with the main_init.cfg file on Amadeus' side.

You have stated you have a Steam copy. Have you tried launching the game with the Steam Launch arguments which are included in the moddb description?

Due to the large and diverse amount of errors possible with FC mods, we can only provide so much troubleshooting. I'm assuming you have already, but perhaps try contacting Reminiscity on the matter, since an error preventing the game from running is likely to be caused by either their files, or a bad installation on the user's side.

I'll look into this issue since it is concerning that it has applied to multiple mods, however no relevant file change update to Amnesia has occurred for the past year, so it is unlikely something on Amnesia's side has broken.

Edit: Just downloaded and ran the Full Conversion on my end. Game parses the main_init.cfg file just fine. Therefore you likely have a bad installation; that is, you have placed the Amadeus folder in the wrong directory.

Ensure you have followed the installation instructions made available here as they are written: http://www.moddb.com/mods/amadeus/news/i...ion-guide1

If your Steam directory is not the default one, then you simply need to drag and drop the Amadeus folder from the archive into the Amnesia - The Dark Descent folder.

If you feel that you have dropped the folder into the correct directory but it is still running incorrectly, delete your Amadeus folder and drag and drop again, or download the mod from moddb and follow the installation instructions again.

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2018, 02:55 AM by Romulator.)
02-19-2018, 02:32 AM

Solved: 7 Years, 4 Weeks ago RE: Full Conversion Mods won't start
Thanks for the response and checking it out on your end.
In answer to your questions:
I did email the Author of the Mods i tried but no response to date. A couple others also posted on ModDB that they had the same issue I'm having but no reply from the author
I did follow all install instructions and tried the Set Launch Option instruction for steam as well.
I even deleted the Mod and uninstalled ATDD and re-installed thru Steam.
Downloaded the mod again and still have the same error.
I tried running the Bat as an administrator and turned-off Anti-virus all with no luck.
I have downloaded several Full Conversion Mods in the past and have had no issue.
Now I can't get any I try to run and have no idea what on my Win 10 machine is preventing this.
It's frustrating.
ATDD and Soma are excellent games and I have way more than received my monies worth from them.

Thanks again for trying to help.

(02-19-2018, 02:32 AM)Romulator Wrote: Just downloaded and ran the Full Conversion on my end. Game parses the main_init.cfg file just fine.

Just want to confirm you were using the Steam Version of ATDD?
02-19-2018, 07:43 PM
Romulator Offline
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Solved: 7 Years, 4 Weeks ago RE: Full Conversion Mods won't start
(02-19-2018, 07:43 PM)jtravel Wrote:
(02-19-2018, 02:32 AM)Romulator Wrote: Just downloaded and ran the Full Conversion on my end. Game parses the main_init.cfg file just fine.

Just want to confirm you were using the Steam Version of ATDD?

Correct! I tested it on the regular Amnesia.exe which is included with Steam. With a few small modifications to the batch, I could have tested with the NoSteam.exe as well, but chose not to.

Just confirming, did you just Drag and Drop the Amadeus folder into your Amnesia directory? So your folder hierarchy looks somewhat like this?

Steam/steamapps/common/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/
  - Amadeus/
    - billboards/
    - config/
    - ...
    - Amadeus.bat
  - billboards/
  - core
  - ...
  - Amnesia.exe

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
02-19-2018, 10:49 PM

Solved: 7 Years, 4 Weeks ago RE: Full Conversion Mods won't start
Correct, The Amadeus folder is the Amnesia directory.
Steam/steamapps/common/Amnesia The Dark Descent/Amadeus
I'm running the Amadeus.bat file from within the Amadeus folder.

I tried FiveMagicsRedux a full conversion i had played in the past and it runs fine.
It's install setup is different as you have to the place the five magics.bat in the Amnesia directory and run it. The full conversions that won't run for me have been ones that have you run the .bat file from the Mod folder.
02-19-2018, 11:36 PM

Solved: 7 Years, 4 Weeks ago RE: Full Conversion Mods won't start
The Problem I found was when the game download is unzipped it created folder Amadeus_v1.2.7
I Just needed to delete the _v1.2.7 so the Folder was named just Amadeus and then the .bat worked fine.
02-25-2018, 04:44 PM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

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