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Hard Mode Discussion
TwiK999 Offline

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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

(09-27-2018, 01:03 AM)GrAVit Wrote:
(09-26-2018, 06:22 PM)fancreeper Wrote:
(09-26-2018, 03:21 PM)GrAVit Wrote:
(09-25-2018, 04:38 PM)fancreeper Wrote: Another thing I am quite curious about is monster despawn time. How will it work for scripted monsters like the ones in the wine cellar or the archives? Will they become hostile now?

I would imagine they will disappear as they're scripted to just act as "cinematic hallucinations". Meanwhile those guys that spawn to patrol (like the ones in the Storage or Prison) will probably stay around for much longer. Although, it remains to be seen. I hope I'm in for a surprise!

What happens if there are multiple monster spawns? Take Choir for example, there are 6 monster spawns in a rather small area. Is there going to be one monster patrolling the whole area? Maybe 6 monsters at the same time? I am not quite sure, but I guess we will find soon enough! Also, apparently this mode was mainly made by one new recruit, which is quite amazing!

I reckon the Choir is going to be the hardest area to beat. Especially if the monsters are now faster and can see you more easily... it's going to be hard alright. Gotta be sure to save before that. haha

Honestly, I think the Choir will be easy. If you go around the area anti clockwise, it can minimize the enemies. They also usually spawn pretty far behind you, so if you're running already they probably won't see you.

Steam ID: Yazite

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09-27-2018, 01:38 PM
fancreeper Offline
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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

Ok, so I experimented a bit and I fount the best way to beat the Choir level without encountering any monsters. You have to trigger 2 spawns, but the rest are easily avoidable. I made a picture that explains how you would do it, for anyone interested.

Spoiler below!
[Image: 5WE9YZe.jpg]

Steam ID: fancreeper
09-27-2018, 05:58 PM
TwiK999 Offline

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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

(09-27-2018, 05:58 PM)fancreeper Wrote: Ok, so I experimented a bit and I fount the best way to beat the Choir level without encountering any monsters. You have to trigger 2 spawns, but the rest are easily avoidable. I made a picture that explains how you would do it, for anyone interested.

Spoiler below!
[Image: 5WE9YZe.jpg]

This is the exact route I've been practicing for hard mode, with the slight difference in that instead of going all the way around spawn #3, hug the wall to the left and bolt it to the exit as soon as it spawns. You might be able to avoid this encounter though by going the long way around across the bridge you first use.

Steam ID: Yazite

Xbox Gamertag: Yazite
(This post was last modified: 09-27-2018, 07:56 PM by TwiK999.)
09-27-2018, 07:54 PM
TwiK999 Offline

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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

Alright! So I just beat hard mode and I must say it was very fun. Some pointers:

- Scavenge. If you do, you'll have loads of Oil and Laudanum. I had 9 jars of Oil at the end of my run and 10 laudanum.
- Tinderboxes are much rarer. I did a lot of scavenging and barely had any at the end, but I did save at the following locations: Back Hall, Prison South, Cistern Entrance, Before entering Morgue, Nave and after beating the Choir.
- Can confirm that there are no new monster spawns and hallucinations are exactly the same. Although there was one encounter in the Sewer which couldn't harm me, but scared me as I had never seen it before.
- Enemies hang around for roughly 1-2 minutes longer.
- Storage and Sewer were the toughest for me. Choir was very easy using the above discussed method. Prison North was surprisingly easy. I only triggered 3 spawns.
- If you die, it takes you back to your last save. So it's not a big deal if you die.

Steam ID: Yazite

Xbox Gamertag: Yazite
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2018, 02:49 AM by TwiK999.)
09-28-2018, 02:48 AM
fancreeper Offline
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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

(09-28-2018, 02:48 AM)TwiK999 Wrote: Alright! So I just beat hard mode and I must say it was very fun. Some pointers:

- Scavenge. If you do, you'll have loads of Oil and Laudanum. I had 9 jars of Oil at the end of my run and 10 laudanum.
- Tinderboxes are much rarer. I did a lot of scavenging and barely had any at the end, but I did save at the following locations: Back Hall, Prison South, Cistern Entrance, Before entering Morgue, Nave and after beating the Choir.
- Can confirm that there are no new monster spawns and hallucinations are exactly the same. Although there was one encounter in the Sewer which couldn't harm me, but scared me as I had never seen it before.
- Enemies hang around for roughly 1-2 minutes longer.
- Storage and Sewer were the toughest for me. Choir was very easy using the above discussed method. Prison North was surprisingly easy. I only triggered 3 spawns.
- If you die, it takes you back to your last save. So it's not a big deal if you die.

Wait what? How did you get it early? I have been waiting for hours and no new update came to steam (It's currently 5:14 AM here). Are you playing on a different platform? Did the update release there before the steam version?

Steam ID: fancreeper
09-28-2018, 04:15 AM
TwiK999 Offline

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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

Xbox launch

Steam ID: Yazite

Xbox Gamertag: Yazite
09-28-2018, 09:05 AM
fancreeper Offline
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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

Ok, so I just beat the hard mode on PC, unfortunately they didn't put the Masochist achievement (At least not on the steam version yet). Some things to note:
  • Tinderboxes are really rare, try to look for them as much as you can. I had 0 when I finished the game. Other resources are much more common.
  • Sanity isn't much of a problem, just be careful at the end of the game. As I said in a previous post, you lose all sanity if you do the ritual too quickly and you will die. Kinda funny I said that, since I died there and that was my only death.
  • If you know the monster spawns and where the resources are, you won't have that much of a problem beating it. It's not really that hard if you played Amnesia a lot before.
I recorded the whole playthrough with no commentary, which I will upload as soon as I can. I hope I get to see more people playing this mode on You Tube.

Steam ID: fancreeper
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2018, 04:04 PM by fancreeper.)
09-28-2018, 03:45 PM
fancreeper Offline
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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

They added the achievement as soon as I posted this. Here it is
Spoiler below!
[Image: FdVRHHo.png]
I wish I could see how many people have it currently.

Steam ID: fancreeper
09-28-2018, 04:09 PM
GrAVit Offline
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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

Very exciting! I'll be livestreaming it tomorrow at 9pm UTC+3 and then probably upload the gameplay to Youtube. lol

09-28-2018, 05:29 PM
fancreeper Offline
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RE: Hard Mode Discussion

So I found this website where you can see how many people got the achievement. Here it is AStats
Seems like I was the first one to get it on steam, if the website is accurate. Since then only one other person has gotten it. I know nobody really cares about this lol, but here it is anyway.
Spoiler below!
[Image: qsPDaEX.png] 

Steam ID: fancreeper
09-28-2018, 07:33 PM

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