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Not able to move anymore... ;(
xSauriaNx Offline
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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago Sad  Not able to move anymore... ;(

So yeah, was playing ATTD again out of nostalgia and hearing the news for the brand new hard mode but now, every time I load the game, Daniel just stopped moving and won't move at all while I am pressing the WASD keys for movement.

I can still look around with my mouse and probably interact with any object if there's anything I can interact with nearby.

Here was some of the stuff that I did before consulting here:
  • Reinstall = Still the same problem appearing whenever I'm in the game.
  • Keymapping = I can do it by putting all keys near the Arrow Keys but it feels awkward to play that way... it ain't CS 1.6 anymore. Not to mention, harder to press for my fingers. (One thing to note is that when I bind them on WASD, it just shows up as "None")
  • Searched the net for some answers = all post were related to controllers which I don't use.

Spoiler below!
so if there's someone asking for my spec it's an old acer travelmate TM4750Z in Linux Lite
it runs well windowed... Smile

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10-08-2018, 02:51 AM
Mudbill Offline

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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

So anything bound to specifically W, A, S or D shows as "None" ? That doesn't make much sense.

You sure you don't have any software that interacts with your keyboard in any way?

10-08-2018, 06:20 AM
xSauriaNx Offline
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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

None aside from having ibus/mozc for occasional conversations that I'm having with some Japanese friends.

Else, when I try to bind keys on the keyboard (with the letters only) this happens:
[Image: 20181008144551_1.jpg]
10-08-2018, 07:50 AM
Mudbill Offline

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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

That sounds very strange, especially that it would happen to only WASD. Perhaps you can try manually editing the user_keys.cfg file for your profile. It looks something like this:

PHP Code: (Select All)
<Inventory Primary="Keyboard.Tab" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button Back" />
Journal Primary="Keyboard.J" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button Y" />
Forward Primary="Keyboard.W" Secondary="GamepadAxis.Axis LeftY.Negative" />
Backward Primary="Keyboard.S" Secondary="GamepadAxis.Axis LeftY.Positive" />
Right Primary="Keyboard.D" Secondary="GamepadAxis.Axis LeftX.Positive" />
Left Primary="Keyboard.A" Secondary="GamepadAxis.Axis LeftX.Negative" />
LeanRight Primary="Keyboard.E" Secondary="" />
LeanLeft Primary="Keyboard.Q" Secondary="" />
Attack Primary="MouseButton.RightMouse" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button LeftShoulder" />
Interact Primary="MouseButton.LeftMouse" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button RightShoulder" />
Rotate Primary="Keyboard.R" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button RightStick" />
Lantern Primary="Keyboard.F" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button X" />
Run Primary="Keyboard.LeftShift" Secondary="GamepadAxis.Axis LeftTrigger.Positive" />
Lean Primary="GamepadAxis.Axis RightTrigger.Positive" Secondary="" />
Crouch Primary="Keyboard.LeftControl" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button B" />
Jump Primary="Keyboard.Space" Secondary="GamepadButton.Button A" />
QuestLog Primary="Keyboard.M" Secondary="" />
RecentText Primary="Keyboard.N" Secondary="" />
CrosshairToggle Primary="Keyboard.X" Secondary="" /> 

You should be able to find this file in .frictionalgames/Amnesia/Main/<your_user>

10-08-2018, 04:27 PM
xSauriaNx Offline
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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

Did that and changed what was in my user config file in the player profiles. Still not doing anything...

It's really baffling but I think that something is causing to make my letter keys not recognized by the game.

Imma try to test different things too.

Hard Mode Update has arrived and still having the same issue... :|
10-09-2018, 12:13 AM
Mudbill Offline

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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

If that didn't work, I'm not sure what to suggest :/
Perhaps I can ask someone else to take a look...

10-09-2018, 08:45 PM
xSauriaNx Offline
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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

thank you... I'll try some stuff too in my end hoping to fix it...
10-09-2018, 11:31 PM
kirakatve Offline
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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

Sounds like a strange issue... Have you tried setting them to default keys? Another thing you can try is deleting the Documents\Amnesia\Main folder, so it will have to reinstall everything in it, including these settings.

Your friendly neighbour the community manager.
10-11-2018, 12:56 PM
xSauriaNx Offline
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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

I have done both and sadly, none of those methods work tbh...
10-11-2018, 01:12 PM
xSauriaNx Offline
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Solved: 6 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago RE: Not able to move anymore... ;(

I have finally found the problem and now have solved it.

Basically, what happened was that the program "Fcitx" which is Linux Lite's Start Input Method was not working. I'm a bit confused still since I'm just using iBus after all and was just doing fine.

Steps that I did:
> Opened Fcitx then right clicked on it's icon on the taskbar, then went "Configure"
> Click on the keyboard icon next to the setting/gear icon
> Chose "English US" as the default keyboard layout and clicked "Ok"
> Closed the Input Method Configuration window and opened the game
> Game now works, I can now move

Thank you Mudbill and kirakatve for lending me of your time to help me. I've probably wasted yours so I'm deeply sorry for this issue. *cue kowtowing*
10-12-2018, 08:14 AM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

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