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[SOLVED] Err: Unexpected end of file at (244, 2)
HappyMatt12345 Offline
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[SOLVED] Err: Unexpected end of file at (244, 2)

ok, I'm basically trying to make a puzzle where the player is supposed to put rocks on pressure plates as part of a combination to unlock a gate, except, I cant seem to get the mechanic with the rocks and pressure plates working. Since I added this one function (UnsetCurrentRock) I have been getting an error that says "Unexpected end of file" at the very end of the file. I would like some help as I have no clue what could be wrong with the code, 

My entire code file:
// runs when a map is loaded for the first time
void OnStart(){
        GiveItem("Lantern", "Lantern", "Lantern", "Lantern.tga", 1);
        for(int i = 0; i <= 50; i++){
            GiveItemFromFile("Tinderbox", "tinderbox.ent");
    // declare all local variables via SetLocalVar
    SetLocalVarInt("LightsProgress", 0);
    SetLocalVarInt("ComboMessageObtained", 0);
    SetLocalVarInt("AreasFilled", 0); // used in PlaceRock func, determines how many rocks have been placed
    SetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills", 0); // used in PlaceRock func, determines which area CodeRock1 resides in
    SetLocalVarInt("Rock2Fills", 0); // used in PlaceRock func, determines which area CodeRock2 resides in
    SetLocalVarInt("Rock3Fills", 0); // used in PlaceRock func, determines which area CodeRock3 resides in
    SetLocalVarInt("Rock4Fills", 0); // used in PlaceRock func, determines which area CodeRock4 resides in
    SetLocalVarInt("Area1Filled", 0);
    SetLocalVarInt("Area2Filled", 0);
    SetLocalVarInt("Area3Filled", 0);
    SetLocalVarInt("Area4Filled", 0);
    SetLocalVarInt("CurrentRock", 0);
    // x
    // innit EventFunctions
    AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "EroTease1TriggerArea", "EroTease1", true, 1);
    AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "EroVoiceStop", "StopEroVoice", true, 1);
    AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "PressurePlatesMemTriggerArea", "PressurePlatesMem", true, 1);
    for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){
        AddEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock"+i, "ComboMessageArea", "ComboMessage", true, 1);
    for(int a = 1; a <= 4; a++){
        for(int b = 1; b <= 9; b++){
            AddEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock"+a, "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+b, "PlaceRock", false, 1);
    SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("UnlockGate", "UnlockGateMem", true);
    // x

int OwlSoundAreaNum = 24;

// runs when the player enters the map
void OnEnter(){
    PlayMusic("Penumbra_BP_A1.ogg", true, 0.4, 1, 1, false);
    // innit RandomAmbientFunctions
    AddTimer("OwlSoundsTimer", RandFloat(10, 20), "OwlSounds");
    // x

void OwlSounds(string &in asTimer){
    int OwlSoundPlaybaclLoc = RandInt(1, OwlSoundAreaNum);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("OwlSounds", "OOTSOwlChirp.snt", "OwlSoundsPlaybackArea_"+OwlSoundPlaybaclLoc, 0.1, false);
    AddTimer("OwlSoundsRecall", RandFloat(10, 20), "OwlSounds"); // call this function again in 10 - 20 seconds

void EroTease1(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState){
    PlaySoundAtEntity("EroTease101", "OOTSCh103EroTease01", "EroTease1PlaybackArea", 0.1, false);
    AddTimer("TimerEroTeaseContinue", RandFloat(10, 15), "EroTease1Continue");
    SetLocalVarInt("EroTease1Num", 2);

void EroTease1Continue(string &in asTimer){
    if(GetLocalVarInt("EroTease1Num") <= 5){
        PlaySoundAtEntity("EroTease10"+GetLocalVarInt("EroTease1Num"), "OOTSCh103EroTease0"+GetLocalVarInt("EroTease1Num"), "EroTease1PlaybackArea", 0.1, false);
        AddLocalVarInt("EroTease1Num", 1);
        AddTimer("TimerEroTeaseContinue", RandFloat(10, 15), "EroTease1Continue"); // Call this function again in 20 - 30 seconds

void StopEroVoice(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState){

void UnlockGateMem(string &in asEntity){
    AddQuest("UnlockGate", "0103UnlockGate");

void PressurePlatesMem(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState){
    AddQuest("PressurePlates", "0103PressurePlates");

void ComboMessage(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState){
    if(GetLocalVarInt("ComboMessageObtained") == 0){
        SetMessage("MiscMessages", "0103Combo01", 0);
        AddDebugMessage("Message '0103Combo01' desplayed", false);
        AddLocalVarInt("ComboMessageObtained", 1);

void PlaceRock(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState){
    if(alState == 1){    
        PlaceEntityAtEntity(asParent, asChild, "", true);
        SetEntityActive(asParent, false);
        if(asParent == "CodeRock1"){
            for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                if(asChild == "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i){
                    SetEntityActive("CodeRockPlaced"+i, true);
                    SetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills", i);
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock2", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock3", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock4", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills"));
            if(GetLocalVarInt("Area1Filled") == 1){
                for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                    RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock1", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i);
            SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills"), "UnsetRock", true);
        else if(asParent == "CodeRock2"){
            for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                if(asChild == "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i){
                    SetEntityActive("CodeRockPlaced"+i, true);
                    SetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills", i);
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock1", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock2Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock3", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock2Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock4", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock2Fills"));
            if(GetLocalVarInt("Area2Filled") == 1){
                for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                    RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock2", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i);
            SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock2Fills"), "UnsetRock", true);
        else if(asParent == "CodeRock3"){
            for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                if(asChild == "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i){
                    SetEntityActive("CodeRockPlaced"+i, true);
                    SetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills", i);
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock1", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock3Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock2", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock3Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock4", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock3Fills"));
            if(GetLocalVarInt("Area3Filled") == 1){
                for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                    RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock3", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i);
            SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock3Fills"), "UnsetRock", true);
            for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                if(asChild == "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i){
                    SetEntityActive("CodeRockPlaced"+i, true);
                    SetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills", i);
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock1", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock4Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock2", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock4Fills"));
            RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock3", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock4Fills"));
            if(GetLocalVarInt("Area4Filled") == 1){
                for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
                    RemoveEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock4", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i);
            SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock4Fills"), "UnsetCurrentRock", true);

void UnsetCurrentRock(string &in asEntity){
    SetEntityActive(asEntity, false);
    if{asEntity == "CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills")){
        SetEntityActive("CodeRock1", true);
        SetLocalVarInt("CurrentRock", 1);
        AddEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock1", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills"), "ReAddPlaceRock", true, -1);
    else if{asEntity == "CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock2Fills")){
        SetEntityActive("CodeRock2", true);
        SetLocalVarInt("CurrentRock", 2);
        AddEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock2", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock2Fills"), "ReAddPlaceRock", true, -1);
    else if{asEntity == "CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock3Fills")){
        SetEntityActive("CodeRock3", true);
        SetLocalVarInt("CurrentRock", 3);
        AddEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock3", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock3Fills"), "ReAddPlaceRock", true, -1);
        SetEntityActive("CodeRock4", true);
        SetLocalVarInt("CurrentRock", 4);
        AddEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock4", "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock4Fills"), "ReAddPlaceRock", true, -1);

void ReAddPlaceRock(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState){
    for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
        AddEntityCollideCallback("CodeRock"+GetLocalVarInt("CurrentRock"), "CodeRockPlaceArea_"+i, "PlaceRock", true, 1);


// Project wide
void SetErocadosEncounterActive(string &in EntityName, bool Active){
    SetLightVisible(EntityName+"_EroLight_1", Active);
    SetLightVisible(EntityName+"_EroLight_2", Active);
    SetLightVisible(EntityName+"_EroLight_3", Active);
    SetLightVisible(EntityName+"_EroLight_4", Active);
    SetLightVisible(EntityName+"_EroLight_5", Active);
    SetLightVisible(EntityName+"_EroLight_6", Active);
    SetLightVisible(EntityName+"_EroLight_7", Active);
    SetEntityActive(EntityName, Active);
// Project wide

// Map Exclusive

// Map Exclusive


// runs when the player leaves the map
void OnLeave(){
    StopMusic(1, 1);
    SetupLoadScreen("LoadingScreens", "LoadScreenCh103", 0, "LoadingScreen.jpg");

I know its got to be something to do with the UnsetCurrentRock function because when I comment out that whole function, the code runs fine, I don't know what could be wrong though so any help is appreciated.

Developer of Order of the Skull
(This post was last modified: 12-30-2018, 10:21 PM by HappyMatt12345.)
10-30-2018, 07:23 PM
MatiCekuriel Offline

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RE: Err: Unexpected end of file at (244, 2)

void UnsetCurrentRock(string &in asEntity){
    SetEntityActive(asEntity, false);
    if{asEntity == "CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills")){

You wrote a { instead of a ( Wink
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2018, 09:05 PM by MatiCekuriel.)
10-30-2018, 09:04 PM
HappyMatt12345 Offline
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RE: Err: Unexpected end of file at (244, 2)

(10-30-2018, 09:04 PM)MatiCekuriel Wrote:
void UnsetCurrentRock(string &in asEntity){
   SetEntityActive(asEntity, false);
   if{asEntity == "CodeRockPlaced"+GetLocalVarInt("Rock1Fills")){

You wrote a { instead of a ( Wink

Ok, I feel somewhat stupid now, but thanks, it works now. Much appreciated
10-31-2018, 12:08 AM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Err: Unexpected end of file at (244, 2)

If you're not already using one, I highly recommend a proper editor for coding. It'll help you avoid issues like these. I'll suggest Notepad++, Atom or Visual Studio Code.

Then you can see your function like so:
Spoiler below!
[Image: qv0tBAR.png]

The fixed version looking like so (admittedly this particular case isn't an obvious find here):
Spoiler below!
[Image: kSw5Y2B.png]

I suggest you also format your code. Some prefer different styles, but it's a good habit to space things out because it makes it more readable and easier to debug.

Spoiler below!
[Image: RPjmXkE.png]

(This post was last modified: 10-31-2018, 12:59 AM by Mudbill.)
10-31-2018, 12:58 AM
HappyMatt12345 Offline
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RE: Err: Unexpected end of file at (244, 2)

(10-31-2018, 12:58 AM)Mudbill Wrote: If you're not already using one, I highly recommend a proper editor for coding. It'll help you avoid issues like these. I'll suggest Notepad++, Atom or Visual Studio Code.

Then you can see your function like so:
Spoiler below!
[Image: qv0tBAR.png]

The fixed version looking like so (admittedly this particular case isn't an obvious find here):
Spoiler below!
[Image: kSw5Y2B.png]

I suggest you also format your code. Some prefer different styles, but it's a good habit to space things out because it makes it more readable and easier to debug.

Spoiler below!
[Image: RPjmXkE.png]

I use Notepad++ already, but thanks
10-31-2018, 01:10 AM

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