Here are my cents.
I want more environments! Especially outside places, or locations where inside and outside
connect. Seamlessness. Make the wind shake things up a bit too. And add some more critters!
If only with a plastic spoon! Empower me with some sort of weapon, but make me fear
encounters! Don't make me rely on my weapon. A sixshooter with one bullet would be awesome.
The lighting was very static. Make it dynamic. Like opening curtains or windows. And throw in
the occasional lightning.
Also make those damn candles burn down! That or allow us to pick em up!
4(Different lanterns)
Represent the oil-meter visually as oil in the lantern, make it dim and flicker as you get low on
Add candlesticks! When carrying a candlestick you see the wax melt, the light flickers if you
run. Heck, it might even turn off!
Matches or a lighter would work wonders as well.
5(Enemy diversity)
A four or five legged freak that hunts me like a rabid dog, would sometimes scare me more than
a disfigured humanoid, just saying
Allow me to move properly! I feel like a god damn retard when those creeps attack me in a
room. No I don't want to hide in the closet! Allow me to hide under the bed! Or in that huge
chest! Or in that barrel!
That's all I have to say about that, yet.
PS: I adore this game, I just want it to be more awesome. And horribly terrifying ofc. XD