(02-05-2011, 12:17 PM)Tanshaydar Wrote: Why 84? After that game crashes or something like that?
It clearly can be seen that game is lagging. Though it's very good video 
The game is lagging REALLY badly, but I suspect it is due to the pathfinding, not the graphics.
I just put down 84... just kind of arbitrary. behind each of those doors is just a long dead-end hallway that's filled with inactive grunts. When those hallways were full, I had 84 grunts.
For a serious mod, I'd recommend no more than 10 at one time. Maybe even fewer than this because as I've said above, I think the lag was mainly caused by the pathfinding having to run through 84 grunts, not just the graphics. For a serious mod, it may have to sift through even more path nodes than the few in this short video, so maybe even 10 would be pushing it for a serious effort in what I assume would be a much larger level.