Magus Wrote:Evil_Muska Wrote:Thomas Wrote:I checked with Strategy First and it should not be available for download until tomorrow.
Well that's funny because I was playing it all last night! 
It SAYS preorder, but when I got done paying for it it gave me a download link containing a small downloader program.
After that was done (in about 1-2 seconds) I ran the program and started my download. I dunno, maybe they fixed it after I finished.
I promise I won't leak anything that's happened sofar. 
Nope.  I just did the same exact thing.  When you pre-order with Strategy First you're suppose to get a free game and I'm guessing that someone messed up and put up the download to penumbra instead of Star Fury (the free game).
Here's an excerpt from a e-mail that Strategy First mailed me after I ordered.
"Additional Product Information:
Penumbra: Overture Episode 1 (Download) [292MB] <pre-order> - Thank you for your pre-order of Penumbra: Overture Episode 1.
Please note that the game will be released on the 30th of March 2007, at which time you will be capable of downloading the title. On that date you will receive a further Email with instructions on how to download Starfury for free."
So, from my understanding of this, I'll get an e-mail tomorrow about how to download Starfury (the free game).
As soon as my preorder was placed, they gave me a link to download a program that would download the Penumbra setup file. So putting 1 and 1 together they probably forgot to withdraw the download link from the order confirmation page or had it set up for the launch date and I got sent to the wrong page or didn't care about the launch date and released it early. Either way, I'm not complaining. I could have waited the 2 days for the release but getting it early was really awsome! I'm loving it and I can't wait for the next episodes!