Hey awesome I didnt know it was on the forum ^_^
If you guys want I'll remake it?
I just haven't had time, since I started my career in 3D art/animation, but I'm taking leave soon, and I can make it 100 times better with all the stuff im learning here in studio

I'll put sparks and cool stuff, If anyone can help me with sound just send me a message to the youtube account the video is attatched to

I'll also take your crit into consideration.
Im gona have to start from scratch since I cant find the Blender file

I'll put my progress here and keep you guys posted
Here's attempt 3:
This was done about a week after attempt 2, I only put it on vimeo, I forgot to put it on youtube
But yeah, the new one will be way better, Give me about a month, cause I also have work
Christophe Leyder
Just put it on youtube :