justine you can go to me and i save you
rock sad but troll
Prison cells = 7
I dont know where i are at the beginning. I hear scariest sounds and later i see a new monster and the horror scene to i can open the ladders...
Narrow tunnels = 9
The tunnels, shit this part, in all scary moans i look behind me, the shit ilumination and the tight tunnel. ahh!!!
Library = 3 (if you kill the men = 5)
Everything seems cool untill I killed a man, I was getting really nervous what's gonna happen.
Potato Room = 100
shit the monster. shit the dark. mhhnnnnn!!! AHHH IS Behind me!!! FOCK RUNN!!!
sewers = 9
I don't like being chased, especially when they are trying to eat you!
Amnesia the dark descent = 9,5
The dark, the monsters, the wather, the big fock meats in the walls, the sounds, the momentos, the letters, the events ... welldonnnn frictional you creat a nice big ever scariest game of all moments.