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Amnesia: Justine Unofficial Translations
Yodake Offline
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RE: [REL] German texts/subtitles for Justine [3rd update]

(05-19-2011, 07:00 PM)Googolplex Wrote: Ich übersetze auch nicht immer 1:1 aus dem Englischen, sondern verwende Texte, die eventuell sogar besser passen würden.

Ich finde aber, man sollte nicht zu ausschweifend und kreativ werden, Wenn du es "künstlich" verlängerst, fügst du deine Interpretation der Story ein und verfälschst ggf. die storymäßige Absicht der Entwickler zu stark und das wird nicht jedem gefallen. Kleinere Änderungen ok, aber ich würde mich schon halbwegs am Original orientieren, wenn man eine "offiziellere" Übersetzung anbieten möchte.
05-20-2011, 08:08 PM
bobbo Offline
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RE: [REL] German texts/subtitles for Justine [3rd update]

(05-20-2011, 08:08 PM)Yodake Wrote: Ich finde aber, man sollte nicht zu ausschweifend und kreativ werden, Wenn du es "künstlich" verlängerst, fügst du deine Interpretation der Story ein und verfälschst ggf. die storymäßige Absicht der Entwickler zu stark und das wird nicht jedem gefallen.

Yep, da muss man aufpassen. Wobei das bei Justine eigentlich kein Problem war, weil's nur Untertitel waren und nicht diese eingeblendeten "Gedanken", die man ja ohne Ende ausschmücken könnte. Hast du Justine schon mit der Übersetzung gespielt und vielleicht noch Fehler gefunden?
05-20-2011, 08:19 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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Justine DLC Greek Text Translation - ABD (No Journal)

I'm made a Greek translation for Justine but it is abandoned at 75%. Everything is done except the Diaries which is a lot of work. However, all the dialogs, phonographs, hints, messages, objects etc are translated nicely.

UPDATE: I will not continue the translation anymore because I'm working on something else and...this "project" is kind of useless. Only the journals are left expect from one that was translated. If someone wants the beta file, please pm me. I will keep it.


Ending - 100%
Hints - 100%
Inventory - 100%
Journal - 15%
L01Cells - 100%
L02Library - 100%
L03Dungeon - 100%
L04Final - 100%
Levels - 100%
LoadingText - 100%
PreMenu - 100%
Recording - 100%
Temp - 100%
Voice - 100%


The pre-menu text cannot be translated, it doesn't show in a good way.

Beta Preview:

[Image: greekgood.th.jpg]

[Image: greekbad.th.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 06-19-2011, 10:57 PM by plutomaniac.)
05-21-2011, 01:18 AM
Googolplex Offline

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RE: [REL] German texts/subtitles for Justine [3rd update]

Das ist völlig korrekt.
Doch ich bin mir darüber natürlich im Klaren und weiß, welche Texte die Story mit beeinflussen.
Ich gehe Wort für Wort durch und schreibe "normale" Texte nur so um, dass sie interessanter auf den Spieler wirken und nicht so aussehen wie Beschreibungen oder Hinweise.

Original ist es dann zwar nicht mehr aber ich finde, wenn man die Möglichkeiten hat, etwas besser zu machen, soll man sie nutzen.
Ich ziehe auch keine Texte in die Länge, einige wurden sogar gekürzt.

Hast du in den Optionen auch die Effekt-Untertitel aktiviert?
Dann müssten auch die Monster-Untertitel erscheinen.
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2011, 12:25 PM by Googolplex.)
05-21-2011, 12:18 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: [REL] German texts/subtitles for Justine [3rd update]

Can I ask something? Did you mess with the fonts at all? I'm trying to do my one translation to another language but the text doesn't look that good especially at the phonographs. Also, did you have any problems translating the pre-menu text? My translation has problems showing there, maybe because of the font. If you can give me any advice please go here(so that I won't ruin your topic):

05-21-2011, 01:37 PM
bobbo Offline
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RE: Justine DLC Full Greek Translation - WIP (70%)

About your question over at the thread about the German translation: No, I didn't change the fonts. Also, afaik the difference you're seeing there between ingame messages and subtitles is the same in English so if I were you I wouldn't do anything about it. Personally, I would see the subtitles as something like an assistance for players who have a hard time understanding English but not more. I think the subtitle font used by the game is good enough for this purpose.
05-21-2011, 02:27 PM
Brennenburg Offline

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RE: Justine DLC Full Greek Translation - WIP (70%)

Wth is a geek translation?

[Image: TRcp2.png]
05-21-2011, 03:07 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: Justine DLC Full Greek Translation - WIP (70%)

(05-21-2011, 02:27 PM)bobbo Wrote: About your question over at the thread about the German translation: No, I didn't change the fonts. Also, afaik the difference you're seeing there between ingame messages and subtitles is the same in English so if I were you I wouldn't do anything about it. Personally, I would see the subtitles as something like an assistance for players who have a hard time understanding English but not more. I think the subtitle font used by the game is good enough for this purpose.

Ok, thank you very much. Also, how did you translate the word cabinet that Justine uses all the time? With what meaning?

(05-21-2011, 03:07 PM)Brennenburg Wrote: Wth is a geek translation?

Yes, this a greek text translation in progress.
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2011, 03:20 PM by plutomaniac.)
05-21-2011, 03:16 PM
Brennenburg Offline

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RE: Justine DLC Full Greek Translation - WIP (70%)

(05-21-2011, 03:16 PM)plutomaniac Wrote:
(05-21-2011, 02:27 PM)bobbo Wrote: About your question over at the thread about the German translation: No, I didn't change the fonts. Also, afaik the difference you're seeing there between ingame messages and subtitles is the same in English so if I were you I wouldn't do anything about it. Personally, I would see the subtitles as something like an assistance for players who have a hard time understanding English but not more. I think the subtitle font used by the game is good enough for this purpose.

Ok, thank you very much. Also, how did you translate the word cabinet that Justine uses all the time? With what meaning?

(05-21-2011, 03:07 PM)Brennenburg Wrote: Wth is a geek translation?

Yes, this a greek text translation in progress.

But what is a geek translation?

[Image: TRcp2.png]
05-21-2011, 03:23 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: Justine DLC Full Greek Translation - WIP (70%)

(05-21-2011, 03:23 PM)Brennenburg Wrote: But what is a geek translation?

Greek not geek. Greek is a language, you know...Greece!

(This post was last modified: 05-21-2011, 03:42 PM by plutomaniac.)
05-21-2011, 03:28 PM

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