Hey Guys!
I'm finally done! This is my first testmap ever! I decided to enhance it a bit, give it some plot and voice-acting and here you go! My first custom story.
It's short, sadly, and there might be glitches. Keep in mind that this is my first map ever, so I'm still learning.
I've tested the map to see if everything works, and for as far as I know, it does. If you run into any errors, please let me know.
Also, of course, let me know what you think: Great, horrible, aweful... please, I'm very open to (constructive) critism!
anyways, here's the link:
Her Games:
Here is the updated version, I haven't labelled doors yet, but I got rid of some bugs, and added something else...
also, did you know I've hidden a secret note in my map? first one to find it gets a cookie!
----- EDIT
Another Update: Got rid of a texture glitch, made sure the monsters work, and got rid of a glitching barrel. I also labeled (most of) the level doors... There will probably be another update, since I'm thinking about another secret... anyways:
3rd Update:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CQ9AG8N3 no extra secret yet... I just fixed the but with the monsters (partually)
4th Update:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L7BYCFS3 the monster problem is now fully solved, they now walk the path they are supposed to
