(05-16-2011, 08:39 PM)Exostalker Wrote: They didn't even release Justine for non-steam users, and now they are releasing other updates?

All in due time for the non-steam users. You'll have them soon apparently.
Though I do find it odd that people that bought directly from the FG Store would get the updates at such a delay over Steam. Probably because it's easier to push updates out through Steam to clients. I'm sure there will be a massive .rar file posted up here soon for those that don't use Steam.
Only on page 14 of the story so far (busy walking a member on SPUF through how to update their drivers and troubleshooting Amnesia) and it's pretty good. Fills in some gaps and has some excellent artwork to accompany it.
I love that FG are one of the few devs that release these types of content updates. Seems they've taken a page from Valve in regards to DLC expanding beyond just in game content (the L4D and P2 comics in that case).
Thanks all at Frictional!