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Spoiler What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?
RawkBandMan Offline
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What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

What was it?

Mine was (In no particular place):

I got scared sh*tless in a custom story. I opened up the Steam-in game browser, and started playing the Nyan Cat song. I ran up to the monsters, yelling "NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN!". They did not agree, and they slashed me.

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
05-29-2011, 06:52 PM
SNightmare Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

In the sewers, I was tossing the rocks next to me to clear out a place to hide. Turns out it was a bad idea.
05-29-2011, 06:57 PM
jaivyn Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

First time in the storage..
I was running, was near the exit but had to heal cause I got hit once.
So I used shift key for running and wanted to press tab for the inventory.
The Steam-overlay came up instead of the inventory and I died after running into a wall.
05-29-2011, 07:06 PM
Dyon Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

Getting scared by opening a door and then seeing nothing. Sleepy
05-29-2011, 07:55 PM
laser50 Offline

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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

Not really the main story, but in my own custom story, I left a wall Un-Collided. With a monster in the room. Once he walked through the wall i Pulled the plug of my computer Big Grin
05-29-2011, 08:17 PM
FrozenStar Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

I had 2 silly moments in the cistern where I hurt myself.
One was when I tried to go down the ladder but I ended up falling. And another when I threw bricks up to pull the bridge down and had one fall on Daniel's face.
But by far the silliest thing I have seen happen to someone was in a playthrough on Youtube when the player opened a door in the prison when he heard a roar so he slipped inside trying to hide. Funny when he'd locked the door he saw the monster behind him.
05-29-2011, 09:14 PM
spukrian Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

Being so scared in the Choir I ran away from the brute right into the moat and fell down and died.
05-29-2011, 11:13 PM
Skandis Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

Probably when I died in Justine, and decided to barricade the wrong door.
Heart attack occoured when I realised the mob spawned behind me, and I frenetically tried to run through the exit (which was now blocked by 5 or so objects).
05-30-2011, 06:02 AM
Xss Offline

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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

Apart from the complete dumb moments where my blattant low intelligence was showed to the face of the world (aka: being unable to break the pipe in the sewers, even going to the point of jumping over it "mario style"), there was that time in the wine cellar (not sure of the name area), right after we hear the flashback with Alexander's voice telling us "not to strain, careful because of the dark, etc...", there was that grunt and...I thought it was a scrip and he was going to disappear...So I run stupidly towards him in "lololol" mod.
It turned back and starting rushing at me while I went "Oh boy, he's ugly!"
I managed to survive! Big Grin
05-30-2011, 06:29 AM
lizardcat Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

In the Sewers when you get past Mr. Tall and had to open the door.

I heard the screeching sound and though that there was another one at the other side of the door. I turned around and ran smack dab to Mr. Tall. I screamed and pushed my laptop away from me and it would've hit the floor if I hadn't made a dive for it.

And the results were: hyperventilation, a teeny scratch on my right arm, and an angry mom scolding me for being awake at 1:30 in the morning playing horror games. XD

Honestly I was lol'ing hard after that.
05-30-2011, 09:11 AM

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