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Would I like Silent Hill?
Frost Offline

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Would I like Silent Hill?

I guess an easy answer to my question would be "try it and you'll see," but I hope I can still get some good input...

Frictional Games introduced me to horror games. I watched a lot of horror movies growing up, but never even thought of playing horror survival games. Frictional has captured everything I love: puzzles, storyline, horror... and presented it to me in a way that didn't make me frustrated. I'm not that great at combat (I really sucked at Bioshock and Half-Life 2). Since I've had motion sickness all my life, I couldn't practice first person/action-packed games at all growing up. Only recently have I found a cure and have been scavenging for first person games I've been missing out on.

I haven't done a ton of research on the Silent Hill series in fear of spoilers. Are there hordes of enemies coming at you most of the time (Dead Space 2... :/ ) or is it more slow-paced? Is the atmosphere similar to Amnesia/Penumbra at all... more psychological?

tl;dr: I'm a newb and I want more horror. I suck at games with tons of combat. I like storyline and puzzles. Would I like Silent Hill, and if so which game should I start with? Which games should I avoid?

Thank you!
06-08-2011, 06:56 PM
ferryadams10 Offline
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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

Don't avoid any games all the silent hill storylines are real good.
When I hear u like this then I don't think that you'd doubt the greatness of storylines in silent hill.
I played all the games of silent hill.
Description: A bit of fighting with pipes to eh.. I'll shut up about that cause I'd not like to ruin the fascination of new experiences. And scaryness, horror, sadness, love, everything in it Tongue.
I think you'll love the game. If u won't get stuck on hard places. (That could happen sometimes but you'll be out when looking around real inspecting.

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Ferry Adams

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06-08-2011, 07:34 PM
Finska Offline

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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

I haven't played Silent Hill games, but I have been told that they're freakin' scary! So I think, you would like it.
06-08-2011, 07:52 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

(06-08-2011, 06:56 PM)Frost Wrote: more psychological?

tl;dr: I'm a newb and I want more horror. I suck at games with tons of combat. I like storyline and puzzles. Would I like Silent Hill, and if so which game should I start with? Which games should I avoid?

Thank you!

Silent Hill 2

Don't avoid any game. Try as many as you can. It's your personal taste and only you can tell if you like any game.

Personally, Silent Hill is the best series I've ever played. Story, atmosphere, immersion, puzzles... and many more things are still top on my list. I even opened a Turkish Silent Hill fan site and translated games to Turkish. I LOVE Silent Hill.

Silent Hill 3 has the hardest puzzles in hard riddle difficulty. Try and see. If you even don't like Silent Hill series, at least you will have a huge amount of gaming experience which today's gamers doesn't have at all.

06-08-2011, 07:55 PM
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hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

The Silent Hill games (1-4, primarily) are third-person slow psychological horror games. You're supposed to be bad at combat in them, and try to avoid it as much as possible because the monsters (or are they people?) are generally really scary and not worth bludgeoning. Also, most of the time you'll only encounter isolated enemies, not raging mobs. They have great story with a lot of subtle and not so subtle points and symbolism, and a great time.

Silent Hill 1 controls are tank-like, in that left-right turns your character and up-down makes them go forward-back instead of moving towards the direction you hit on the screen, so that takes a lot of getting used to.

While SH2 and 4 do not requie you to play the previous games story-wise, definitely play SH1 before SH3. And, after playing those 4, you can play the others if you like, I won't tell you to avoid them, but I don't care for them.
06-08-2011, 08:13 PM
Frost Offline

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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

Awesome, thinks for the info, guys!

I was really hoping it would be psychological horror, that makes me really excited. Big Grin

Sooo play order should be 2-1-3-4?
06-08-2011, 08:26 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

The order by release date would be better in my very personal opinion.
Silent Hill Origins is my personal favorite, it's a PSP/PS2 title. Homecoming has also a very dark story but its combat mechanics are very good, not hard to get used to. Shattered Memories is a spin-off of the first game, so if you like 1 & 3, you can play Shattered Memories too.

06-08-2011, 08:39 PM
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Frost Offline

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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

Oh, so what you meant by stating Silent Hill 2 in your other post was not to be the first one to play, but that it's psychological, and has good storyline and puzzles? Pardon my confusion. :3
Okay, I was kinda wondering about the other three non-numerical games (Origins, Homecoming, Shattered Memories). Are they special in some way that makes them different from 1-4? Like... controls or something?
I guess I'm just wondering why they stopped numbering them or... something. o_o
06-08-2011, 08:52 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

Every Silent Hill game is different from each other. So don't expect something like Penumbra series where Black Plague started where exactly Overture ends. Different people to know, different worlds to enter, different stories to be told.

Silent Hill: Homecoming was first titled as Silent Hill 5, then 5 dropped and named as Homecoming. Origins also is titled as 0 in Japan version and still being sold as Silent Hill Zero.

I'd advise that play on release date order, then decide for yourself. Every single of them deserves their own criticism. If you like storyline in games as I do, then you may even cry.

06-08-2011, 09:02 PM
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hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Would I like Silent Hill?

The non-numbered ones were not made by the same team as the original 1-4. Homecoming is basically SH5, Origins is basically SH0 and Shattered Memories is a re-imagining of SH1. They stopped numbering them because they're fairly to very different from the Team Silent games, and I suggest playing 1, 2, 3, 4, Origins, Homecoming, Shattered Memories. Which is their chronological release order.
06-08-2011, 09:05 PM

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