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Familia Hernandez (My First map) (Demo) [Fixed]
Rouvis Offline
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Familia Hernandez (My First map) (Demo) [Fixed]

Hello, this is a demo version of my first map. hopefully my custom story will contain 4-6 levels when completed, but for now, i am just done with 2 maps.

Pics: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/...ot002.jpg/

I was going to add some more pictures but they were to dark, you couldn't see anything.

I would be very happy if you could give me a feedback =)

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?7bskrs5vr858qtu

Sorry for my Grammar.

OMG, i made an horribly mistake by placing the spawn point in the last map. I uploaded a fixed version of the custom story. Sorry!

Adding another version of the map.
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2011, 09:23 PM by Rouvis.)
06-19-2011, 12:09 AM
Khyrpa Offline
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RE: My First Custom story [WIP]

All right! I played trough it and I gotta say it has all the healthy problems of a test/first map.
There was no story, you start next to emptiness, there's only 2 "scares" and atmosphere lacks! Those all will improve when you play more with the editor ofc. Also you're scripting looked weird, but in a good way and it shows you should be able to actually do what you want with it.

Few things that could possibly help you:

Add more stuff! Meaning script some random sounds around the place and fill all corners with as much ornaments, storage, container entities (don't forget decals!).

change the tile amount on your floors. If you keep them at 1 the wooden planks look unnaturally small.

Check all lights leaking into unwanted places, and use point/spot lights to assist your light entities to cover wider area with light (also your box light dsnt cover the whole map)

Try to create an idea/plot around your story what you can use to evoke emotions and tension on players.

mulle saa avautua ja kysellä jos tulee onkelmia tai muuta vastaan pm: llä!
06-19-2011, 01:42 AM
TheKataKombs Offline

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RE: My First Custom story [WIP]

Personally i think it needs more monsters Big Grin some of the rooms has glitchy floor/ceiling, but thats easy to fix. I wouldnt have had a boxlight there, because isnt like basement underground? Smile Other from that. its good Big Grin should change the spawn point tho. Keep up the good work Big Grin

[Image: at_4653116.png]
06-19-2011, 12:11 PM
Rownbear Offline

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RE: My First Custom story [WIP]

Okay I played through it, I think the levels or rather how things looked were nice, it looked like a basement, which is good. maybe too many barrels in the map.

I had no idea if I was done or not, I got to a stair where there's nothing, maybe look up how to make credits so people know when you reach the end of the demo Smile.

The second door slam was kind of expected but I still got alittle scared Tongue. I like that you didnt have a monster attacking you at the start, then it's just "Meh, that guy again.." when they keep appearing or you get killed by them too often, so build up the tension between the monsters. The benches were too high in the doorslam scare room.

You could put a monster in the first room which is locked, and remove the lock so that when a player sets foot inside you activate a hostile monster that attacks you, because who would walk in there? I would xD Also maybe hide him behind the door or something if you do Smile

You seem to make the maps good but you can still make them more unique with different things in each room, some nice, some a mess, and more realistic. A good advice is play some of the maps in the maingame and see how they designed the place, I did and it helped alot. maybe open them up in the leveleditor and see for yourself. You need to put alot of stuff in to make it really good.

So good for a first custom map, and yeah a description and a plot is something you should figure out, and maybe make sense to why you should start in the basement, Normally people would start at the main entrance? Smile You can still save this map and use it later as the basement part.

06-19-2011, 02:11 PM
Rouvis Offline
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RE: My First Custom story [WIP]

Thanks everyone for the feedback! =)
06-19-2011, 06:24 PM
Dark Knight Offline
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RE: My First Custom story [WIP]

(06-19-2011, 06:24 PM)Rouvis Wrote: Thanks everyone for the feedback! =)

nice map! and excellent horrible atmosphere, even wirhout a monsters.

would you like to add monster, breaking that door and walking to you, that may be Grunt or even Justine monster, and you scared and running on the staircase on second floor Shy and hiding.
so monster should be able to climb stairs
[Image: 16032039bz.th.jpg]
06-19-2011, 08:38 PM
HumiliatioN Offline
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RE: My First Custom story [WIP]

It was ok map. But i hate when player can reach outside of the map and see everything other side. Lock all the doors and focus the map. You can name later locked doors on demo "Not available or Progress"

Lighting was nice and few scares it was good for beginner like me Smile

Good luck with your full release!

“Life is a game, play it”
06-19-2011, 10:57 PM
Rouvis Offline
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RE: My First Custom story [WIP]

(06-19-2011, 10:57 PM)HumiliatioN Wrote: It was ok map. But i hate when player can reach outside of the map and see everything other side. Lock all the doors and focus the map. You can name later locked doors on demo "Not available or Progress"

Lighting was nice and few scares it was good for beginner like me Smile

Good luck with your full release!

Thank you! =)
06-21-2011, 05:37 PM
skypeskype Offline
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RE: Familia Hernandez (My First map) (Demo)

Funny how you said "sorry for my grammar" when you only had 1 little mistake .... ANYWAYS, preety good first map but I agree with the things that everybody else said.
06-21-2011, 08:35 PM
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TheKataKombs Offline

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RE: Familia Hernandez (My First map) (Demo)

The level door out of the basement is locked. is it supposed to or not? Big Grin anyways. great map. This time i think you used too many bad guys. it was only some rooms without a grunt/brute. Lots of scares tho. great work Smile

[Image: at_4653116.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2011, 02:54 PM by TheKataKombs.)
06-22-2011, 02:54 PM

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