Actually I started working with Davenia and i think i'm a huge fan of ressource wasting, as in you create something nice, simply to pass by and not give it an appropriate time spent in the area so is there someone else willing to build maps and script?
This is what i want the first 5 minutes to look like:
P awakes on the floor, small room,underground, few boxes, shelves and rotten food, no door, just a hole in the roof. /k
P: 'Where am I? What happend? The last thing I can remember... There isn't.. Why?'
P stacks boxes to get out. /b
Setting: Forest, Bright moonlight, cloud-free night, few stars twinkling, normal sanity, /k
Finds himself in a forest, wanders around, finds an unlit passage down to a small lake.
P reaches the shore, guts are spilled everywhere. /b
Sanity drains while watching at it, but initial sighting will make the camera focus on one object to make the player realise. /k
The blood-stained floor makes him run to the edge of the forest and P makes progress in the safety the shadow provides. /b
/k and /b actually are cursive and big letters in the word file, but i'm too lazy to code it in here now

Cursive is map-esque comments. Big is Gameplay related.
P means Protagonist because i did not yet decide on a name.
Does anybody approve?
Also the story comes along with voice acting for a lot of dialog and monolog done by multiple persons. (at least more than 1

Had to edit the sample due to unsaved changes i made earlier -.-''