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Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA
Grayda Offline
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Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

What a very original name! But this is as it says. Using a bluetooth adapter, GlovePIE and your copy of Penumbra tech demo, Overture or Overture demo, you can *SORT OF* use your Wii remote with Penumbra. Please keep in mind while testing this:
  • I don't have a Wii, I just have a Wii remote to use with my PC
  • I don't have a sensor bar
  • This was mostly created for my own needs, but I'm releasing it here

After keeping this in mind, here is my Penumbra Wii script. Using the built-in accelerometer, you can look up, down, left and right using the roll and pitch, move in all directions using the digital pad, scroll through weapons with plus and minus, access the inventory with home, B to interact, A to examine, 1 and 2 to bring out your Glowstick and Flashlight.

That's about it for now. Once I play with my remote some more, I'll include thrust support so you can pull and push the remote away from yourself to push and pull items. I'll also try and include flick support so you can flick the remote to turn faster, throw things further and such.

To use this effectively, set your resolution to 1024x768. This is until the script leaves beta. I also know that turning is slow, but I'll work on that later. It's slow for more accurate interaction with objects4

Feedback is much appreciated. Try it out if you can, if you can't, have a look at the code and try and nab a Wii remote for the afternoon ;D

To use this, you'll need GlovePIE, available from http://carl.kenner.googlepages.com/glovepie

And if you're feeling really generous, I could use a sensor bar (a home-made one would be preferable, I don't know how long these torches by my monitor can last Tongue) or a Nunchuck if you want to see moar control in it all Big Grin

04-22-2007, 05:26 AM
Dark Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

:o zomg ^^
finaly someone made it, to bad i dont have a wiimote Sad
il add it to the tweaks and stuff list Smile

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2007, 09:12 AM by piibii.)
04-22-2007, 09:12 AM
Grayda Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Dark Wrote::o zomg ^^
finaly someone made it, to bad i dont have a wiimote Sad
il add it to the tweaks and stuff list Smile

Thanks! Such a warm welcome to the forums too ;P

And Wiimotes aren't that expensive when you look at what you get. I paid $60 AUD for mine, and is a sort of early birthday present for me, and my bluetooth adapter was $0.99 with $10 shipping from Hong Kong on eBay. It works a LOT better than my old one and was cheaper too. Next up is making my own sensor bar and buying a Nunchuck adapter. Shouldn't be too expensive and would be good for the other scripts I've got

Thanks for making this a sticky, and thanks for the support Big Grin
04-22-2007, 09:44 AM
Dark Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

no problem Smile
just keep us updated will ya :p

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
04-22-2007, 10:12 AM
Helter-Skelter Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Hi Grayda

I have a wii remote and numchuck thing, is this an easy thing to setup?
i also have a bluetooth dongle, could you do a easy walkthrough please dude?
04-22-2007, 06:34 PM
Grayda Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Helter-Skelter Wrote:Hi Grayda

I have a wii remote and numchuck thing, is this an easy thing to setup?
i also have a bluetooth dongle, could you do a easy walkthrough please dude?

This was nicked from the MSDN Coding4Fun site. It's rather easy to set up actually:

Quote:Getting Connected

This will likely be the biggest sticking point. The Wiimote will not pair and communicate successfully with every Bluetooth device and stack on the planet. For example, I can get the device to connect to my desktop's MSI Star Key 2.0 USB adapter which uses the WIDCOMM stack, however I cannot get it to connect to my laptop's Dell Truemobile 350 adapter with the standard Windows stack. There's little I can do to help get you connected if the following steps do not work. Either it's going to work, or it isn't. Cross your fingers...

1. Start up your Bluetooth software and have it search for a device.
2. Hold down the 1 and 2 buttons on the Wiimote. You should see the LEDs at the bottom start flashing. Do not let go of these buttons until this procedure is complete.
3. The device should show up in the list of devices found as Nintendo RVL-CNT-01. If it's not there, start over and try again.
4. Click Next to move your way through the wizard. If at any point you are asked to enter a security code or PIN, leave the number blank or click Skip. Do not enter a number.
5. You may be asked which service to use from the Wiimote. Select the keyboard/mouse/HID service if prompted (you should only see one service available).
6. Finish the wizard.

And you should be all set! To reconnect the remote, I had to open up the Widcomm My Bluetooth Places box, click my remote and click "Add this bluetooth device" and follow steps four through six. Then open up GlovePIE, load the script and start playing. I'm going to get my old man to help me with building a USB sensor bar, so soon, this script will be updated to support the IR sensor and provide MUCH more accurate gameplay.

Best of luck Big Grin
04-25-2007, 02:22 PM
Helter-Skelter Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Grayda Wrote:
Helter-Skelter Wrote:Hi Grayda

I have a wii remote and numchuck thing, is this an easy thing to setup?
i also have a bluetooth dongle, could you do a easy walkthrough please dude?

This was nicked from the MSDN Coding4Fun site. It's rather easy to set up actually:

Quote:Getting Connected

This will likely be the biggest sticking point. The Wiimote will not pair and communicate successfully with every Bluetooth device and stack on the planet. For example, I can get the device to connect to my desktop's MSI Star Key 2.0 USB adapter which uses the WIDCOMM stack, however I cannot get it to connect to my laptop's Dell Truemobile 350 adapter with the standard Windows stack. There's little I can do to help get you connected if the following steps do not work. Either it's going to work, or it isn't. Cross your fingers...

1. Start up your Bluetooth software and have it search for a device.
2. Hold down the 1 and 2 buttons on the Wiimote. You should see the LEDs at the bottom start flashing. Do not let go of these buttons until this procedure is complete.
3. The device should show up in the list of devices found as Nintendo RVL-CNT-01. If it's not there, start over and try again.
4. Click Next to move your way through the wizard. If at any point you are asked to enter a security code or PIN, leave the number blank or click Skip. Do not enter a number.
5. You may be asked which service to use from the Wiimote. Select the keyboard/mouse/HID service if prompted (you should only see one service available).
6. Finish the wizard.

And you should be all set! To reconnect the remote, I had to open up the Widcomm My Bluetooth Places box, click my remote and click "Add this bluetooth device" and follow steps four through six. Then open up GlovePIE, load the script and start playing. I'm going to get my old man to help me with building a USB sensor bar, so soon, this script will be updated to support the IR sensor and provide MUCH more accurate gameplay.

Best of luck Big Grin

Thanks for taking the time to reply Grayda :]

I will give this a try tonight and let you know how i get on
Many thanks
04-25-2007, 04:59 PM
banj007 Offline

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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

If I had a Wii-mote I would be all over helping you guys... :'(
05-01-2007, 08:04 PM
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Willbreaker Offline

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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Wow, I can only imagine how cool that would be. Because with the wii mote you can actuallt feel the movement you are making when opening a door. Wow. I hope it works out greatly!

05-01-2007, 11:41 PM
Grayda Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Willbreaker Wrote:Wow, I can only imagine how cool that would be. Because with the wii mote you can actuallt feel the movement you are making when opening a door. Wow. I hope it works out greatly!


I built myself a sensor bar (The whole thing cost $2.50 to make and works great!) so now I can make the script more responsive, and hopefully work on some thrusting motion so you can pull the remote back to pull doors open Wink

banj007 Wrote:If I had a Wii-mote I would be all over helping you guys... :'(

A Bluetooth adapter is cheap as chips (I got mine off eBay for $10 AUD including postage from Hong Kong) and my Wiimote was cheapish too ($60 AUD including postage. It's a Japanese remote, but it works exactly the same) and the software is free. Plus you can use it for other games and other programs. Google Maps is pretty fun with the remote ;D But if you can't get to a remote, that's alright. I think joysticks might work with this too. I've yet to do some code porting..
05-02-2007, 01:48 PM

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