Happy New Year all!
The bad news is, my mapper is 1 nerve away from making me go insane, and bring on an assistant mapper because our work has slowed down like an over weight train on a collision course with fate. In other words, almost a screetching halt. So my estimate of BEFORE 2012, is no longer realistic, and due to the spontainious working time of he who shall be un-named at the moment, I cant really give a better estimate on the possible project being fully done. I know how angry you guys must be with our constant teasing, but trust me, if I had any mapping talent myself, I would have been happy to get this out sooner.
I hope you all understand, I will keep you updated as we progress... and by progress, I mean pulling a jet with a Geo Metro.
( <-- For those of you who dont know what a "Geo Metro" is...
Lead Developer of "The Attic"
~Slade Mitchell