(02-26-2013, 02:07 PM)plutomaniac Wrote: Well, what gpu is being used can be easily verified. Can you try the free Amnesia demo found at http://www.amnesiagame.com/#demo and then attach us the file hpl.log found under Documents\Amnesia\Main folder? Also, check whether Amnesia shows just fine. It uses OpenGL as well(a newer version but still OpenGL).
Certainly, although the GPU is an NVidia Quadro 5000M. As I mentioned, I played Amnesia on the same machine without a single crash that I can recall. Of course, I was using older drivers, but those were the same ones that I was using before they were updated for the sake of Penumbra: Overture, after those crashes began.
I booted Amnesia, as you suggested and had no problems in the few minutes I spent running around. Rather than downloading the demo, I just booted up my retail copy on Steam. I hope that's not a problem. The hpl.log is attached.