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stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!
lesley Offline
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stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

cistern can't jump platform to last valve

HELP!!! I think there is a glitch, I am Getting SO SO frustrated and my left hand is killing me! I have TRIED for hours to jump the broken platform to get to the last valve in the corner in cistern. I got to steam valve and two other valves. I had to climb rocks to get to one valve. But I can't get to the third valve no matter what. I can NOT jump from section to section of the broken platform. After about 200 tries I got as far as bridge, then corner than bam, back in the water. I am ready to THROW this game out I am so fed up. IT is NOT fun to spend hours and hours doing the same thing to no avail. THAT is the definition of insanity....
I am playing on a laptop. I have to use the shift plus W key to run; with my left hand, that's two fingers pressing two keys and at the same time I have to use the space bar with yet another finger, as I need to use the mouse with my right hand...so despite suggestions to RUN and jump from section to section I get to one then hit the water. OMG this is driving me nuts. Daniel does not get past ONE piece of a broken platform before falling in the water. Then I have to swim back to the damn stairs and start over again and again. I can't stand this anymore, please say there is a way to SKIP this nonsense.
I am SO aggravated I was loving the game till the last couple days. Seriously, I have arthritis in my hands/wrist and this is SO hard it's ridiculous....I am not exagerrating when I say I have tried for hours.
Is there a way to avoid the last valve? It is quite clear no combination of running and jumping gets Daniel across the pieces of platform, he falls in the water and can NOT climb up.. This is definitely the LOW point of an awesome game. It is apparent I can't go further as I can't get to the sewer without draining the water.
09-13-2011, 03:58 AM
Serena Offline

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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

Forgive me if I am not understanding your problem correctly but - have you thrown a rock at the chain that holds the bridge up? Is that where you're having problems? I'm trying to understand exactly where the place you're describing is. I can't tell if you can't run+jump because you're in the wrong place (from what I'm thinking you are), or if you're trying to jump across without having lowered the bridge. [Image: amnesia_map__cistern_by_hidethedecay-d46btgi.png]
Can you describe where your problem is on this map?

-edit- worse come to worst... is it possible for you to get a friend or family member to work the controls and get Daniel past the part you're stuck at?
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2011, 05:13 AM by Serena.)
09-13-2011, 05:09 AM
Kman Offline
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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

If you're really at the point where you no longer want to try that part then you should get a save file for the sewer. I'm pretty sure there is a thread that has save files for all the different levels but I'm on my iPad so I can't really link you to it easily.

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09-13-2011, 06:02 AM
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Serena Offline

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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!


Savegames and instructions for installation in this thread =) That might end up being the easier option...
09-13-2011, 06:06 AM
BendyBread Offline

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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

You're the first person I've seen with this issue. o_o
09-13-2011, 08:57 AM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

check these two buggy ways to bypass cistern:

(This post was last modified: 09-13-2011, 05:28 PM by plutomaniac.)
09-13-2011, 05:27 PM
Kein Offline
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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

Can you post a screenshot of this place?

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09-13-2011, 06:05 PM
lesley Offline
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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

ok, Where I am, is you come out of the wood door, into the area filled with water, and stairs, and you go down a platform, make a right turn. Across from you looks like a giant chamber where it sounds like some guy is crying/ making awful sounds. Anyway this is NOT the area with the bridge you lower by throwing a rock, I got to that area before. This area, the platform is all broken in sections and it seems you are supposed to run/jump from broken section to broken section, hit a corner, make another Right, and somewhere in that corner is another redirect valve. I have ONLY shut off TWO sewer redirect valves so far: One was past the steam pipes you shut off, the other you had to climb along a left hand wall/rocks and get to a valve in the right hand corner.
THIS third one, omg I have tried repeatedly, sometimes he jumps as far as TWO platforms, makes it to a bridge. ONCE I got past the bridge and had to jump TWO MORE broken platforms and BOOM he was in the friggin water again. I don't even think my 13 yr old could do this without a LOT of swearing!!! :O.....
ALSO I found TWO pipes in the Control room area, thats it. I put them on the wall then noticed two more holes on that wall that looks like yet ANOTHER pipe should snap in place. WELL I spent an HOUR looking around room by room and there are NO MORE pipes in any of the Control room area.
MAN I was sayin just before I hit the cistern level to my friends: THIS IS A FREAKING awesome game. NOW I had to walk away for a day to calm down my stress level arghhh. so IS there a point where you must jump along a broken up platform to a corner, make a left and jump again to get to a corner for a third valve??? How is it I am having such a problem with this?

oh, HOW do I post a screen shot? Never did that before....thanks for any help, folks!!!
nice map! But question, which symbol refers to the valves you have to turn ("sewer redirect valves)?
ALso, when I left the prison and entered the 'cistern' there was a hallway and it is still filled with water, I am assume that leads to the sewer?
Another question, I am confused because it seems that area you start off in, where you climb a ladder to actually enter the cistern, is ALSO called the cistern...but it has a door on the lower level where that hallway is, I can NOT open that door either. It says 'it won't budge'
so am I right that the area where you start off below the platforms and two scaffolds you have to lower, is the first part of the cistern? CONFUSING...then the area you enter in the upper level, through a wood door, (same level as morgue door, and control room door) is all part of the cistern? sorry but it is quite confusing....I see NO signs saying 'sewer'. Just a hallway that leads to a place telling me the water is 'too deep to traverse'. SO I assumed that water is the sewer water I am trying to drain via 3 valves.
also, I walked along a platform in the water filled area (cistern proper?) and had to climb rocks to get to a valve which I shut. I noticed a door blocked with rubble that won't open either....

ok, in this guy's video, THIS Is the area I CAN NOT jump like he does. It won't work. I fall in the water over and over. at minute 6:20 or so of his vid, which is the area I am having trouble with, he jumps the platform repeatedly, after only one attempt that had him fall in the water...then he gets there to the letter and valve NO problem. what am I doing wrong??? I am using shift and w, plus control to run/jump. Do I have to stop at every platform and do it one at a time? IS there an easier way to hop from section to section?

I just took a look at that map above, the area I am having trouble is on the far right, the first green dot that says 'water crank' (I guess you mean valve)...I see the squares are the parts of the broken platform! thanks...
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2011, 08:51 PM by lesley.)
09-13-2011, 07:54 PM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

It's just some straightforward platforming. Yes, you need to jump onto each platform, stop, and then jump onto the next one.
09-13-2011, 09:46 PM
Kman Offline
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RE: stuck in cistern/can not jump to last valve!

Yes stopping at every platform will help a lot, also don't run and jump, just hold the forward key and jump at the same time. Running will probably give you too much momentum and make you fall into the water

Posting Freak
09-13-2011, 11:51 PM
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