i resently bought amnesia and found some bugs.
i have instaled the 1.2 patch but these are the bugs.
I have tested my pc on ''
http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ '' and it said i could play the game on highest res,,,ect..
1 Light. when i move or walk all the light sourses flikker intensely but that does not hapen when i stand still and don't move my mouse.
2 Sound. all the sound sounds knispery and theres a lot of noise in all the sound
The HPL log tels me that the game Could not generate the light and sound Check it out.
i hope you can help me
naamloos.JPG (Size: 193.91 KB / Downloads: 193)
hpl.log (Size: 15.17 KB / Downloads: 200)