Not to mention the fact that the Lead Artist for A Machine for Pigs,
Wesley Tack has previously worked for DICE, on
Mirrors Edge and
Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Say what you want about those games, but the graphics were definitely top-notch, both in terms of aesthetics and in terms of technical quality. So I have complete faith that not only will AMfP be absolutely amazing, it will also look great.
Quote: I feel bad for the devs... Having to take up so much criticism from early media...
Think of the positive side to it: It would be much worse, if nobody was talking about the game at all! By keeping the discussion alive, we add to the hype and thus hopefully make this game more succesful at launch.
Now, I'm tired of this, let's try and change the topic to something less depressing, shall we?

I don't know how many of you are frequently reading the devBlog (aaach what am I saying, you probably all do that...) but Thomas published a great pdf there a few days ago. It's about "the Self, Presence and Storytelling" and I found it a very interesting read... just a suggestion for a topic to discuss, y' know... ^^