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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
Well found the tool and progressed a bit further now, BUT, stuck again and this time im not sure how to get out. Without giving anything away lets just say i fell back through to the village after getting something to help me along the way and now im pretty much stuck there because i saved at the wrong point. Don't get me wrong, i love the cs and will replay it again and again because of the great quality of work and time that was put into it. Im just all sad again that im "stuck" lol.
04-23-2012, 10:26 PM |
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
(04-23-2012, 10:26 PM)metalhead520 Wrote: Well found the tool and progressed a bit further now, BUT, stuck again and this time im not sure how to get out. Without giving anything away lets just say i fell back through to the village after getting something to help me along the way and now im pretty much stuck there because i saved at the wrong point. Don't get me wrong, i love the cs and will replay it again and again because of the great quality of work and time that was put into it. Im just all sad again that im "stuck" lol. "* i'm really sorry to say, but probly u have to play is over again... Delete my CS BUT the save game try to keep it and retry continue the savegame AFTER delete the old one and downloaded the UPDATED-VERSION here, I'm not sure of u can continue AND if the bugs are gone, TRY IT and lt US all know here, THANKS alrdy for that!:
Thank you for liking my Custom Story Mister,...
AND i am really sorry for the 2 bugs that appeared!
I have NOT seen them cause i build the CS myself...
So thanks to all the people like u the CS will be 100% bugfree!
Known bugs are :
1: Outside { after going out site and arrive in prison, >> DON'T GO BACK OUT AGAIN"<<> with "old download< --- Bug is fixed with NEW UPDATE Downloadable here offcourse!!!
2: Stabbing the grunt { grunt will not appear cause i firget to put it inside my CS-enteties maps..
REALLY sorry for thgat but ALSO FIXED IN THE UPDATE downlaodable here...
Hope people are still loveing my CS, and offcourse i think it is "normal " to have some bugs\glitched ... well.. at least with such a HUGH CS as this..
Sorry for the problems\bugs!!!
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2012, 11:21 PM by DnALANGE.)
04-23-2012, 11:02 PM |
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
I think you said before that you were only one person working on this CS, I for one congratulate you on a job well done. This whole CS is amazing work and now that I know where some of the stuff is and where to go I can replay the whole story probably in one night instead of the past 3 lol. I look forward to more CS from you.
04-23-2012, 11:16 PM |
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
(04-23-2012, 11:16 PM)metalhead520 Wrote: I think you said before that you were only one person working on this CS, I for one congratulate you on a job well done. This whole CS is amazing work and now that I know where some of the stuff is and where to go I can replay the whole story probably in one night instead of the past 3 lol. I look forward to more CS from you. Thank you very much,
You gave me a hugh big smile on my face!
This is just what i wanted to hear, SADISFACTION!
I already am planning to make a new CS so for the ones who likes my CS ....
It will take some time offcourse, need to focus and think of new stuff... but i'm on my way there..
04-23-2012, 11:19 PM |
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
Woot, just finished it, went back a tiny bit to an auto save and then i progressed. I'm definitely going to be suggesting this to all my Amnesia friends. LOL crazy ending too hahahahaha. How do I follow you to keep track of new awesome CS like this from you?
04-23-2012, 11:56 PM |
Posts: 187
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
This is pasted from what I posted on Mod DB, in case anyone still isn't clear on how to update to v1.1:
There is a new version of Insanity: Nocturnal Confusion (v1.1) out
now that fixes two major issues affecting the player's ability to
complete the game.
Both those downloading the game for the first time and those who already
have it should download this latest version and overwrite their old
Temporary Links To v1.1 While Awaiting Authentication:
No reported major bugs remaining!
Issues Resolved:
1: Fixed missing grunt at red demon map near end of game. (Needed in order to finish)
2: Fixed bug preventing the player from visiting OUTSIDE.MAP more than once.
Now 100% possible to complete the game!
Note: If these download instructions don't work for you, you may try the following:
1. Back up your saved games located here:
Nocturnal Confusion
2. Delete your old Insanity: Nocturnal Confusion custom story folder in your main Amnesia folder.
3. Place the newly updated version where the old version used to be, and try starting the game again.
Lange / Summer^
04-24-2012, 12:11 AM |
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
(04-23-2012, 11:56 PM)metalhead520 Wrote: Woot, just finished it, went back a tiny bit to an auto save and then i progressed. I'm definitely going to be suggesting this to all my Amnesia friends. LOL crazy ending too hahahahaha. How do I follow you to keep track of new awesome CS like this from you? I hope u enjoyed it ,
I made this for all of you to have fun and scarry!
U can add me on skype? msn? or just add me as a friend here..
i am alrdy thinking of a new Cs ... probly chapter 2 of this story..
Thank you for replaying and for playing AND having fun on my Custom Story.
(04-24-2012, 12:11 AM)SUMMER^ Wrote: This is pasted from what I posted on Mod DB, in case anyone still isn't clear on how to update to v1.1:
There is a new version of Insanity: Nocturnal Confusion (v1.1) out
now that fixes two major issues affecting the player's ability to
complete the game.
Both those downloading the game for the first time and those who already
have it should download this latest version and overwrite their old
Temporary Links To v1.1 While Awaiting Authentication:
No reported major bugs remaining!
Issues Resolved:
1: Fixed missing grunt at red demon map near end of game. (Needed in order to finish)
2: Fixed bug preventing the player from visiting OUTSIDE.MAP more than once.
Now 100% possible to complete the game!
Note: If these download instructions don't work for you, you may try the following:
1. Back up your saved games located here:
Nocturnal Confusion
2. Delete your old Insanity: Nocturnal Confusion custom story folder in your main Amnesia folder.
3. Place the newly updated version where the old version used to be, and try starting the game again.
Lange / Summer^
Thanks Summer for helping me out here ...
For Questions u are welcome here AND bugs.. : PLS Let me know!
I think there are no bugs anymore now! none that will stopping from finishing this Custom Story
Greets Lange and SUMMER^
(This post was last modified: 04-24-2012, 12:46 AM by DnALANGE.)
04-24-2012, 12:43 AM |
Posting Freak
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
Pretty decent custom story. I admire the time and dedication you put into it! Mapping was good, but I wouldn't say "extremely detailed". Story was...well...*ahem* ...the scripting was by no means professional. It pained me to see you put "u" in the story multiple times. I understand English is not your primary language, but you shouldn't have put that in the description unless you had someone revise your work, perhaps one of the grammar/bug testers available on the forum? Lastly, I don't think I saw a single box light in that entire CS, you should try looking at levels in the actual Amnesia game for reference. Overall, 6/10. I'm just glad its not another jump scare/pewdiepie map.
I rate it 3 memes.
04-28-2012, 07:31 AM |
Posts: 187
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
(04-28-2012, 07:31 AM)andyrockin123 Wrote: Pretty decent custom story. I admire the time and dedication you put into it! Mapping was good, but I wouldn't say "extremely detailed". Story was...well...*ahem* ...the scripting was by no means professional. It pained me to see you put "u" in the story multiple times. I understand English is not your primary language, but you shouldn't have put that in the description unless you had someone revise your work, perhaps one of the grammar/bug testers available on the forum? Lastly, I don't think I saw a single box light in that entire CS, you should try looking at levels in the actual Amnesia game for reference. Overall, 6/10. I'm just glad its not another jump scare/pewdiepie map. I spent a WHOLE lot of time correcting the grammar for this; believe me, that "u" would not be your worst concern. Corrected over 200 mistakes, but missed one or two cause they were added near the end and such. And yes, lange is very dedicated ;D I'd say he put in about 97.5% of the work, and me 2.5% :3 Something like that.
I think for his first map it's quite good, and he learned a lot about scripting and mapping in general. I think we are considering some kind of sequel (with me helping a bit more in writing the story maybe), but it's not for sure.
Anyways, I think dnalange is a CS author to keep you eye on
04-28-2012, 07:46 AM |
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RE: Insanity : Nocturnal Confusion
(04-28-2012, 07:46 AM)SUMMER^ Wrote: (04-28-2012, 07:31 AM)andyrockin123 Wrote: Pretty decent custom story. I admire the time and dedication you put into it! Mapping was good, but I wouldn't say "extremely detailed". Story was...well...*ahem* ...the scripting was by no means professional. It pained me to see you put "u" in the story multiple times. I understand English is not your primary language, but you shouldn't have put that in the description unless you had someone revise your work, perhaps one of the grammar/bug testers available on the forum? Lastly, I don't think I saw a single box light in that entire CS, you should try looking at levels in the actual Amnesia game for reference. Overall, 6/10. I'm just glad its not another jump scare/pewdiepie map. I spent a WHOLE lot of time correcting the grammar for this; believe me, that "u" would not be your worst concern. Corrected over 200 mistakes, but missed one or two cause they were added near the end and such. And yes, lange is very dedicated ;D I'd say he put in about 97.5% of the work, and me 2.5% :3 Something like that.
I think for his first map it's quite good, and he learned a lot about scripting and mapping in general. I think we are considering some kind of sequel (with me helping a bit more in writing the story maybe), but it's not for sure.
Anyways, I think dnalange is a CS author to keep you eye on  Thank you for ur hounest reply here andyrockinn123.
It took me very long to build this CS..
Never done anything like building something for a game...
I am proud on what i have made.. and the you or U ... well.. SUMMER^ was the grammar-spelling guy..
and i do N O T blame him at all!
PPL have to look at the whole construction and not those little tiny misspelled words.. EVEN if they are wrong..
Still sorry for them!
And summer , u've done an AMAZING job there man! T H A N K S!!!
Hope u still enjoyed this CS Andyrocking123..
04-28-2012, 12:41 PM |