(04-14-2012, 12:47 AM)BlingBoyOto Wrote: (04-14-2012, 12:26 AM)jessehmusic Wrote: Hey Im working on Hospital Of Horror and wanna know how i make the flashlight be the lantern for JUST the cs i make ?
i can figure it out -.- Any clues or tips ?? if anyone help me with it i give cred ofc 
Please HELP!
If you replace the flashlight with the lantern then it cant be a CS it will have to be a FC
Read This http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thr...conversion
And there is your answer 
okey i readed it for a while now i don't understand this part
to something like "test_mod/graphics/menu_logo.png". Change the values if you choose to change the file names. The rest i'll leave up to you to modify (if you're courageous enough
![[Image: tongue.gif]](http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/images/smilies/tongue.gif)
Go into the config folder of Amnesia and copy over the following files to test_mod/config:
- default_main_settings.cfg
- ptest_game.cfg
- ptest_main_init.cfg
- ptest_menu.cfg
- base_english.lang
Under test_mod/config, rename the files so that they don't have the prefix "ptest_". Under test_mod/config/langcreate the file english.lang or simply copy the one located at config/lang_ptest.
Be sure to also copy the resources.cfg file into the test_mod folder.
Open the test_mod/config/main_init.cfg file for editing. Every attribute shown in there must remain there, or else the game may crash for failing to parse the configuration. All attributes should have a value, or else the game may crash.
Make sure that the values for the following attributes have a prefix of "test_mod/":
- Resources
- Game
- Menu
- DefaultMainSettings
- BaseLanguageFolder
- GameLanguageFolder
Make sure none of the attributes have "ptest_" or "_ptest" in their values. Be sure to also modifyVariables::GameName, Directories::MainSaveFolder, StartMap::File and StartMap:

os to match your story.
Make sure Main::BGScene has a value like "test_mod/main_menu/menu_bg.map". Make sure Main::MenuLogo points to something like "test_mod/graphics/menu_logo.png". Change the values if you choose to change the file names. The rest i'll leave up to you to modify (if you're courageous enough
![[Image: tongue.gif]](http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/images/smilies/tongue.gif)
Add ShowPreMenu="false" to the Main element. Change FullScreen to "false", LimitFPS to "false" and VSync to "true".
Prefix the /main_menu, /commentary, /maps and /flashbacks directories with "/test_mod".
Make sure to add the following directories to the list:
- /test_mod/entities
- /test_mod/static_objects
- /test_mod/music
- /test_mod/sounds
- /test_mod/graphics
- /test_mod/textures
- /test_mod/gui
For any new directories just add them to the list as you go. Don't worry if the directories listed do not exist, as you can create them later.
dont understand the underlined part
StartMap::File and
Obviously, the starting map when the player starts a new game. It should be obvious how to set this up for those who are used to creating custom stories.
thats the prob i have now what they mean ???? in config or what?!?!?!