Okay... I'm going to make a simple list I need you to follow.
1) I did NOT at any point tell you to use another monster's animations. That is quite the opposite. I assumed you had already made a walk animation for Slenderman, seeing as he was following the player. But then you give us new info about how he is not even rigged at all. You can not turn a static_object into a monster
correctly without having a skeleton in place. You need a rig.
2) (The rest of this list requires Autodesk Maya 2011 with the OpenCollada plugin. And with the power of Google, get the plugin here:
http://opencollada.org/download.html ) If you want Slender to remain completely still like in the Slenderman games already made, you can make this easy on yourself and take the lazy way out by simply placing a single bone in his waist. There is your rig for Slender.
3) Once you have the single bone in place, (I am
assuming and
hoping you are using Maya for this) bring the dropdown arrow on the top-left to "Animation". Then pick the bone, hold shift and pick Slender. Then go up to the top and pick "Skin > Smooth Bind". Now the bone is attached to Slender.
4) Go down to the keyframe track under the modeling windows. It should have ticks going 1-48 or some numbers like that. pick the bone, pick frame 1, and press
S then go to File > Export All and save Slender in the same place where it's texture is located. Open it in ModelView and see if it loads. All should go well.
5) Copy the .dae of Slender and paste it in the same spot. It should make a copy. Rename it: "slender_animation" and change the file extension to: ".dae_anim". It will say it might make the file unstable, but hit okay. It will be fine.
6) Go to the .ent file you have and go to "Edit > Animations".
For each animation in there, change the .dae_anim file to the "slender_animation.dae_anim". Save, and he should work fine now.
This is all I'm giving for you as Slender just seems to be getting old and recycled too much lately to be scary anymore. I don't care if you continue, but if this list of "to do" doesn't work for you, perhaps you're stepping into something you're not ready for yet. I didn't even get into the harder stuff because we're taking shortcuts here... Good luck
And please stop bumping. Use common sense when the game does something wrong. For example. He follows you, then when he's within ATTACK DISTANCE and FREEZES. What do you think is the problem?... Obviously something is wrong when he ATTACKS. And you did not have an ATTACK ANIMATION, so what would fix this situation?...
Common sense tells you he needs an attack animation.