Dear Team,
I just bought Amnesia The Dark Descent on FrictionalGames with PayPal. After I logged me in into my PayPal account and confirmed the order they linked me back to FrictionalGames where an error happend. It said: Error accured, try again. I checkt my email account but no email from FrictionalGames there, neither in the spams. But I recieved an email from PayPayl with a payment confirmed in it.
I send en email to directly to FrictionalGames and got a autoreply email. There are two links, one to re-fatch my game, the other one to reset the receipt/ order email. I tried both but on these linked sites, they do not accept my Order Number that is written in my PayPal account detail page for the payment. Neither they accept it at "Esellerate After Purchase Service" because there they do not know the Order Number and do not know my email adress...

i hope that you can help me with this.
Did I actually bought the game? or is it a error with paypal? The money is not yet gone from my bank account, but I will let you know if that happens.
And sorry for my bad english...
Kind regards