Why is having the lantern (or whatever he is holding then) moving while idle make the game so stressful?
Like in TF2 (ya I know different game but still) whenever you swap to the Scout he holds his Scattergun (a shot gun by default) when you swap to The Boston Basher (a bat with a lot of spikes on it) he holds it normally but the bat things slightly (in a small circle). I don't see how that little thing could be that stressful for devs....
Statyk Wrote:The work output for that is incredible. It's simply not that necessary
and they would have to have done so much more scripting, modelling, and
bug testing. It IS a nice touch, but it's expensive and, more or less,
sprinkles on ice cream.
So in other words the developers did not want to put in extra effort to make the game better?

I don't see how being able to look at a model (like you could normally) is so stressful on the game itself.