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Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!
gribouille81000 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!

Hello well well, I have to buy " amnesia the dark descent " well all it is good to pass, I throw(launch) the game(set,play) and in boil with 10 minutes
Enormous freez lag and nevertheless there is nothing spatial I am sad has to understand(include) in more I know there not too much in computing I have to look if my graphics board was has in the daytime and yes she(it) is good has in the daytime my Windows also, in brief I knows not what to make I already have to fall graphics(handwriting) has nothing make change, while I made just before the beginning of the game(set,play) graphics(handwriting) has make and that walk(work) great you can help me if they you palis thank you.

My config:
Processor: Intel ( R ) Core ( TM) 2 Duet E7400GHz 2.80 GHz 8 Go of ram
Operating system 64 bits graphics board: ATI R6870 - 1 GB - DDR5 dicetx 11

If you want my dxdiag him(it) said I

PS: I know not English I thus translated via Reverso to sadden if it is badly translated. Smile
11-24-2012, 12:35 AM
crisosphinx Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!

Is this what you were trying to say?

"Hello, well I have bought amnesia the dark descent" and it's fun, but when I start the game, it breaks within 10 minutes. Enormous lag, I dont know what else to add. I'm looking into the possiblity of my graphics card not working and overheating. Can you guys help me?"

Use this-


Animation and Rig questions -> crisosphinx@yahoo.com

3D Generalist. Notable work on FG Forums - The Great Work, Five Magics and Cowards Debt.
11-24-2012, 01:58 AM
plutomaniac Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Please check the troubleshooting guides before posting!

I cannot understand the problem, try google translator as mentioned above, it might be better. Yours graphics card seems just fine unless you have a hardware problem. From where did you get the game?
11-24-2012, 06:55 PM

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