Quote:you get killed by hallucination?..
Nope, not by the hallucinations, by the monster that comes when you proceed down the hallway. I then respawned and went down the hallway again and reached the end of the story. I suppose getting killed there was meant to be the end of the story (it would make sense in terms of drama), but maybe there's a bug?
Quote: AND WHY YOU GUYS ARE LOOKING FOR SERIOUS CUSTOM? I TRY TO MAKE FUNNY ANDINNATURAL CUSTOMS WITH SOME WTF! SO DON'T TELL ME SOMETHINGS LIKE "But how does this relate to corpses suddenly appearing on the walls or a monster torso appearing in front of my face?" OR "-It had flying naked guys." AND "-The disaster in Sarah's room. The bed is supposed to be very hard to move, and it's in an innatural position."
Ah, don't take it so hard. Nobody here intends to be mean, the thing is, people around here are simply pretty starved for Custom stories with a certain amount of thought and effort put into them. Something that reminds them of the good old Amnesia in terms of quality, to pass the time while they wait for A Machine for Pigs, y' know?
They are very rare, and in high demand, whereas quick "just for fun"-CSs are very frequent. So everytime a new CS appears, everyone is like "Yay a new CS!" - and then gets disappointed when its just another "I threw this together for fun"-map. It's nothing personal...
Edit: whoops, forgot to answer to that one. Sorry.
Quote:wtf? maybe there is a coding for monster disapear sorry im not really good to coding, but you can just run that was easy to run up to stairwell.
Well, yes of course. I could also jump on something to f*** with it's pathfinding AI or hold an object in front of my face so it can't detect me...

My point was more that it's not very... atmospheric that way. Not in the amnesia spirit of scares and atmosphere-building. But since you've made clear that wasn't your goal anyway, just forget that point. ^^